Title: Beauty is Truth (VII)
daleheadRating: PG-17
Pairing: Liggo
Summary: More about the guy and the beautiful girl …
Author's Note: For
rifleman_s because I think we get roughly the same lunch hour.
Slipping the shoe off, Elijah was struck by how good Viggo looked like this; he kicked the other one off. His beautifully painted toe nails, the same blood red as his fingers, pleased him, picking up his shoe, he walked round so Viggo could see his feet, he bent down.
“Open your mouth,” he then stuffed the heel into his boy’s mouth. “Suck…” he paused to enjoy the sight then went out of the room to fetch their digital camera. He wanted a record of this, Viggo’s mouth and ass filled, unable to move, he wanted to show Vig and maybe a few other people too.
For some reason it took him a while to find the camera, it turned up in the utility room, where he’d left it after he’d hogtied Viggo before beating him with a washing line. Judging by the pictures he’d taken, the line made beautiful marks.
When he got back, washing line still in hand, the shoe appeared to have fallen out of his boy’s ass.
Elijah was not happy.
“What the fuck?” he rammed it back in. “I was going to fuck you but now … he looked at the washing line and smiled, when he spoke the ice in his tone made Viggo shiver in the worse way. “Now I am going to beat you, if either shoe falls out, boy, you will stay here all night.”
The whimper told Elijah that his words were understood.