Germany v Spain - The Final

Jun 29, 2008 21:55

Title : Germany v Spain (THE FINAL!!!)
Author: dalehead
Pairing : Orlibean
Rating : NC-13
Summary : Football and just so we’re clear … NO SEX!
Disclaimer: This is entirely made up.
Warning : Please note, this is heavily slated towards Spain - sorry guys!
Author’s Note : For y’all who’ve read the entire series and stayed with me! Thank you very much, I’ve loved writing it, we’ve had a blast.

“I can’t believe we’re here,” Sean was as excited as a 10 year old kid. “And down the Spanish end, how on earth did you manage it?”

“I am an A List movie star, baby, do try and keep up,” Orlando had moved heaven and earth to get the tickets but seeing his lover looking so light hearted made him realise that Sean had been looking, well off colour of late and he had missed it. This made him feel hot and cold all over and a bit ashamed.

“But look …” they were both wearing beanies to avoid being spotted but seeing as the majority of the Spanish fans had greater matters to worry about, it was really not necessary. Sean rather enjoyed a bit of cloak and dagger though. He still couldn’t quite believe he was here.

“Get up Sean,” Orlando had burst into their bedroom at some godforsaken hour that morning. “We’ve got places to go and matches to see.”

“You what?” Sean had reared up, staring at him bleary eyed.

“We’re going to Vienna…” Orlando looked smug.

“Whaaa…” Sean gaped at him.

“There’s a rather big match on, now get out of bed, the car is coming in half an hour so you need to shower.”

“How long are we staying?”

“Back tomorrow morning, I’ve got our stuff already packed, move your arse, baby!” Orlando could see the clock ticking even if Sean couldn’t.

The moment the game kicked off, it was clear it was going to be one helluva rollercoaster ride.


It was a half-chance, if that. From Cesc Fabregas's pass, Fernando Torres outpaced Philipp Lahm and dinked the ball over the advancing Jens Lehmann. Pretty poor defending from Germany, but Torres showed a real striker's instinct.

The whole of the Spanish end were on their feet and cheering, Sean and Orlando too, except Orlando was looking at Sean more than the match, he loved to watch Sean watching live football. He became the man he used to be, all those years ago before Orlando knew him, before the world knew him.

Cesc Fabregas's Euro 2008 final was over as he was replaced by Xabi Alonso.

Sean at this point was dancing and talking to the guy next to him who didn’t speak English but was replying in Spanish. The two were completely in agreement although as Torres was replaced by Guiza, they were both shouting obscenities at the pitch.

The end of the match was in sight and Sean didn’t want it to end. He wanted it to go on forever. They were so close and he really was there for Spain and he was hoarse again, cheering with all his heart and soul.

Orlando wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Sean watching the Blades at home was way too serious a matter for such enjoyment, there was always too much tension and Orlando had learnt to leave him alone. This was football enjoyment, pure and simple. And if Germany weren’t playing so well, Spain were playing the most beautiful football. It was poetry in motion.

Three minutes to go. Three extra minutes of injury time. Orlando could see Torres waiting to go on and celebrate. Oh god, don’t let it be a repeat of Italy’s performance. He held his breath and willed Spain to hold on if only for Sean’s sake.

And there, it was over, the first time since 1964, despite Teutonic tenacity, Spain were champions of Europe!

It was taking ages for the presentation and Orlando slid his arms around Sean’s waist.

“Thank god that’s over for another few years,” he murmured into his lover’s ear. “Let’s get out of here, soon as we can, then you can fuck me till I feel like your cock’s coming out of my mouth.”

“You have a way with words, sweetheart,” Sean laughed but he didn’t mind leaving now and led the way slowly and painstakingly to the exit.

Euro 2008 was over.

Germany 0-1 Spain

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