
Jun 25, 2004 19:36

Title: A Matter of Life and Death
Pairing: SB/VM
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Viggo doesn’t want to be soaking wet. Sean mourns… (And for anyone currently inhabiting Planet Zarg, England were knocked out of the Euro 2004 competition. It came down to penalties. Again.)
Feedback: Please.
Archive: Rugbytackling and my own LJ.
Disclaimer: I made this up - ergo it isn’t true.
Notes: For liars_dance's Wet!Viggo challenge

“Sean, what on earth are you doing out here, it’s pouring”

“. . . . . .”

“Come on babe, you’re soaked”

“. . . . . .”

It’s only a game, it isn’t a matter of life and death and now I’m soaked too.”

“‘It is much more serious than that’.”*

“Can’t we go and discuss it inside.”


“Sean, please come in.”

“Penalties Vig, fucking penalties. Again.”

“I know.”

“If we go inside can I fuck you?

“Whatever you like as long as we can get our asses out of this rain.”

Okay Vig, let’s go inside…

*Bill Shankly on the subject of football in the Sunday Times, 4 October 1981.
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