Separation of Church and State
So as you all know the issue of gay marriage has been coming up within the political community. Although being recently refused by the Supreme Court, the thought of having an amendment banning gay marriage is still a basis in the 2004 election and has caught the eye of most ethnic believers around the country. Bush, based on his religious backgrounds, has brought up the idea that marriage is a bond that should be shared between only a male and a female. This idea appears in most religious settings and is shared by those who follow them.
This amendment is crossing a boundary line that was established when our country blossomed and that is the Separation of Church and State. We do not pray in our public schools and we do not promote or deny any religious ideas in our schools. Based on the founding of our country, we should have the right to choose how we live our life and not have to be ruled by the government when it comes to matters such as religion. This is, after all, the reason that settlers left Europe’s enforced existence and made their home where they could practice as they please. For the government to be able to tell it’s people what to do and not to do, based on a religion, is most certainly crossing that line.
Whether the religious people in our country agree or disagree with this is irrelevant. They are allowed the right to practice what they want and live life how they want, then why shouldn’t everyone else? If they disagree with the way someone else is living their life, it does not give them the right to dictate them.
Where There Should Be a Line
When it comes to the arguments about the rights gays/lesbians should be allowed it should come to whether the decisions made by them effect or harm other people. Gay marriage does not harm anyone but another right they are fighting for is the ability for gay couples to adopt children.
In statistics and experience, growing children need both a female and male figure in their life. This is why the best candidate for adopting a child is a female/male couple. Skeptics may say “What is the couple split and it turns out to be a single parent raising them?” Well, there’s no telling the future but at least the fact that the child was given to a stable male/female couple at the time is the best that they can do. While there is no doubting the love available for the child from a gay couple or even a single parent, a growing child needs a balanced influence from both male and female. This doesn’t mean that gays should not be allowed; only that they should be lower priority because of the effects being raised with only female (or female& female) or male (or male& male) aspects can have for the child.
In other thoughts, the mere fact that we as a people can discus this is phenomenal. You have no idea what you take for granted every day. We have a freedom and economic strength like no other country. The only way to insure that our country stays controlled by the people is to vote. We have the right and still less then an estimated 20% actually vote in our country. The worst is when I hear people who didn’t vote complain about the way our country is run; IF YOU HAVE THE ABILITY AND YOU DON’T VOTE, YOU SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO CRITISIZE THE WAY OUR COUNTRY IS RUN.
So many people have died for our right to vote and are still dieing, so whether you believe in that reason they are dying or why they did die; vote and use your right.