I've noticed lately that I really am not satisfied with myself. I think that I've become a disappointment. Sure I have a secure job, a beautiful, loving wife and a gorgeous, healthy baby girl (who crawled for the first time today... w00t), but I'm really not happy with myself as a person. There're so many areas of my life where I believe I lack that the only solution I can think of is to try to modify the core and work my way out. I'm talking about a change of attitude toward life. The way I look at myself; the way I move; the way I sleep, talk and eat. I've come to see that being hiply cynical and depressed is not an option in my life. I want to be happy, no matter how uncool that seems to be these days.
I really think I need to break it all down and start over again... of course, I won't be leaving my wife and child. Damn, they're the biggest reason that I need to change. I need to be fitter, slimmer, more determined, disciplined, positive. I guess if I break it down into what I believe are important things in life I just don't stack up.
Physique: Fat and unfit
Motivation: Non-existant (I'm a lazy bastard)
Discipline: Minimal, that's why I'm lazy and unfit.
Outlook: Currently pitiful.
Finances: Lacking
Love Life: Not Bad
Family Life: Pretty Good
Spirituality: Low
As you can see, I don't have much of an opinion of myself at the moment and this has to change. I kind of feel proud that I'm publically taking this step and also scared, of failure, change and embarassment. So in a sense I'm now making myself accountable to my LJ community, if I fail in this endeavour I fail in front of all of you.
So, to begin what I've decided is that I need to do a number of things... and funnily enough one of those is to update LJ more often... possibly everyday. A part of changing my attitude lies in using my experiences for the positive, so everyday I want to record the good things that have happened to me throughout the day and also the challenges and how I dealt with them, or what I learnt from them. Logistally, of course, everyday may well be an impossibility but I want to give it a try.
I'm also going to devote the first hour of each day to some exercise and reflection. Hopefully this step will be both physically and mentally beneficial for me.
I am also going to devote time to further exercise, a mixture of gym and cardio. I'm extremely lucky that my best friend Jimmy is moving to Ballarat this year and he's a very fit bloke. We've agreed to become accountable to one another in trying to achieve best fitness and strength.
I'm hoping that with a healthier mind and body and a conscious effort to be more positive in my dealings in life that my family, love and work lives will follow.
Next update: Tomorrow... I really hope I don't disappoint you all.