Si existe algo que de verás me fascine, son las discusiones referentes al Sith y a la Fuerza. Puedo leer cuanto ensayo exista sobre ello. Creánme, hay muchos. Y bueno, ¿a que viene todo esto? A la promesa que hice en el último capítulo de Una Proposición Personal. Luke y Mara tienen un desacuerdo al respecto.
¿Listos para mi gran reflexión? )
Comments 3
But for future reference, if Star Wars ever becomes a topic of conversation when I'm near you, I'm getting some nachos with cheese and a soda, 'cause that'll be better than going to the movie theaters.
Woman, I *love* Geeks, not just Star Wars geeks, ANY kind of geeks. I had a friend a lot of people couldn't stand because he was a comic geek and he hated the X-men movies and anyone who mentioned them, he'd say, "Oh, you mean 'Wolverine & Friends?'" LOL I was the only one who just heard him out, heard his opinion and nodded. I told him I didn't agree with him entirely, but that it was interesting information and that I liked his point of view. :-) I am a supporter of all Geeks, regardless of the info you've got stored in your brain, whether you're right or wrong, as long as you're well informed and passionate about your subject, more power to you!
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