ZIPIA #15 - Completed

Aug 19, 2010 20:27

Status: Completed
Last update: 28th Sept 2010

Orders were made here:

Please bookmark this page for updates!
Next mass email will only be when items have shipped & arrived.

Tues, 7 Sept
- Distribution/Refunds

Registered Mail
eighteenisgone, ash_ - refunded 20cents as actual postage is 80cents not $1

Sherilyn/thunderthoughts - refunds made

Siyi / babysilve - refunds made

Liteng/funkyloolipop - refunded 0.23 as actual postage is 80cents not $1 and your friend trf additional 3cents

Registered Mail
- babysilve, RR624531993SG (refunds to be made tonight)
- liteng, RR624531994SG

Please allow 1 working day for the system to track your article.

Mon, 6 Sept
- Distribution

Normal Mail
- ash, firebred, eighteenisgone

Registered Mail
- thunderthoughts, RR624531986SG (refunds to be made tonight)
- channelleau, RR624531985SG

Please allow 1 working day for the system to track your article.

Aside to babysilve, refunds tonight + I'll mail your item out tomorrow as I missed your parcel this morning!

Thurs, 2 Sept
- Distribution

Normal Mail
- xx_coeur, fashiontags, emma_ng

Wed, 1 Sept
- Mass emailed all!

Please note that refunds/meetups/postal will only be made AFTER you've state your collection preference. Items will be confiscated 4 weeks from now - if there is no notification that you are unavailable to collect due to some reasons - after repeated email reminders.

Thurs, 26 Aug
- Parcel arrived. Please give me 3-4 working days to weight items/calculate shipping cost.

Thank you

Wed, 25 Aug
- Parcel was shipped out yesterday

EMS tracking # em023071711kr

Total shipping (USD): $28

Thurs, 5 Aug
- Orders placed

Zipia takes a few days to purchase items.
will update again once items are shipped out!

List of spree-ers
1) shopiluvme/Patricia, 12
2) xx_coeur / Sarah, 14
3) ash_ / ning, 21 item 2 is US$14
4) btyw/Berenice, 22
5) funkyloolipop, 15
6) ihznix/ xinzhi, 23 item 2 is US$13
7) fashiontags/Jacintha Tan, 14
8) firebred, 33
9) thunderthoughts/Sherilyn, 71 Item 4 OOS, US$18
10) emma_ng/Emma, 33
11) babysilve / Siyi, 49 Item 5 OOS, US$11
12) eighteenisgone, 6
13) Chanelleau/chanel, 151
14) ezann, 10

*refunds will be used to offset 2nd payment

Total: 474
Estimated Shipping: 32
Payment: 506

Paid: 425 (offset 81usd from my own credits)

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