I Can't Twitter

Aug 31, 2009 07:54

I don't have a Twitter account anyway.  This morning I have found reason to Twitter.  Throughout the day little things occur to me and I wish I could share them with the world.  However, they're too short (in my opinion) for a 'blog post.  I think I'm gonna collect them for a while.

  • I hate the news.  It's depressing.  It's pablum.  Story on CNN: Wildfire Turns Deadly!  Really?  It turned deadly?  Was the wildfire a family pet that suddenly went crazy and attacked the baby?  I am jealous, too.  There's some guy with a degree getting paid shitloads of money to write blurbs for their scrollbar.  he obviously can't spell or use a spellchecker.  Grammar is a lost art.  You would think a journalism agency could get it right!  You'd think they might check things before broadcasting them internationally.  If they can't check their facts...why would they check their grammar?
  • I think I just stole a guy's bagel.  He pulled his bagel from the back of the toaster queue.  Mine was the last one in.  There was a bagel in the front of the queue.  I assumed he was taking mine, so I commented.  He gave up the bagel.  On my way back to my desk I realized this wasn't my bagel.  Someone else stole mine and I passed the favor along.  I feel bad.
  • I have come to realize I no longer want to have kids.
  • I should spend some serious time learning nautical lore.  It turns out knowing more about the timeline of nautical exploration and the how's & why's of sailing has bearing on much more than one would think.  I love learning.
  • I like French music.  Not the pop stuff (though Alisée and Mylene Farmer are welcome in my bedroom any time), but the Chanson style.  I like some of the more modern Chanson music as well.
  • I tend to get sad and then depressed about the middle of my day.  I don't know how to explain it.  It doesn't seem to matter what the beginning of the day holds.  I'm pondering various ideas about what may be causing this.
  • At least once a day I have a burning desire to be a Renaissance Fair actor full-time.
  • My job feels like a prison.
Yeah...that's it for the day.  I hope someone got something out of this little experiment.  It wasn't what I thought it would be.  I still don't really see the point in Twitter.
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