best thing about working at a tv studio is filming funny shit after hours... ive been 'working late' this week, ill share the results as soon as i get them online...
Watched 'Lost' this week, found myself not caring... About to watch 'Survivor', lena says its really funny... Watched reruns of 'the Office' at work, that show is genious... Watched Episodes 2 and 3 of "Ken Burns' the War" this afternoon, absolutely amazing...i highly reccomend
Just got some tickets to see The Swell Season at the Chicago Theater. They went on sale today :)
They are the pair from the movie ONCE. Amazing film, one of the best last year, no doubt. Well these Irish musicians are in town in mid-june, and i'm super excited i get to see them...
long time with no post, but im still here... Wow. Livejournal used to be my daily thing, but life just takes you places where you dont think the same week to week.. enigmatic, i know, but i miss this place and I think i'll start posting again. it was always good for me...
super busy. doin fine. social season has started... going on dates with lena, seeing all the shows that seem to be cropping up, both musical and theater. planning my prom event, pulling my hair out... things are busy, but great. not frustrating, actually inspiring... and yes, i still love you livejournal :)