Well, here goes...

Sep 18, 2005 22:06


1. Name, nicknames, what you’d like to be called: Jenna
2. Age, birthday: 17. May 1, 1988.
3. What color is your aura? Umm... probably pink. Or yellow.
4. Describe yourself in meteorlogical terms, i.e. "Partly sunny with a chance of rain." Mostly sunny with a good chance of scattered showers throughout the afternoon and into the late evening.


5. Five favourite/personally important songs, movies and books and why you chose them.
(Complete with my favorite lyrics from each one.)
1. "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve. I don't really know how to explain my love for this song. I think it's just so beautiful and it plays during the most emotional part of one of my favorite movies (Cruel Intentions, of course). So, whenever I watch that scene and this song comes on, tears just start coming. (I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah. / I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now.)
2. "Fix You" by Coldplay. I absolutely love Coldplay and all of their songs, but the lyrics in this one are just amazing and sum up everything that's been going on in my life lately. (And the tears come streaming down your face / When you lose something you can't replace / When you love someone but it goes to waste / Could it be worse?)
3. "I'll Never Fall in Love Again" by Elvis Costello. What can I say? I'm a sucker for Costello. (What do you get when you fall in love? / A diamond pin to burst your bubble / That's what you get for all your trouble)
4. "Near You Always" by Jewel. I admit it. I'm a huge fan of Jewel. I can go weeks just listening to her CDs and it's great. She's probably my favorit singer/songwriter. (I was thinking that it might do some good / If we robbed the cynics and took all their food / That way what they believe will have taken place / And we'll give it to everybody that has some faith)
5. "Strange and Beautiful" by Aqualung. His voice is so... haunting. It's beautiful. (Sometimes the last thing you want comes in first / Sometimes the first thing you want never comes / But I know that waiting is all you can do)

(Okay, I'm a super movie geek, so this is difficult for me.)
1. Crash. I just saw this last week, and it's official. This is my FAVORITE movie. It's absolutely amazing and beautiful. There are several scenes in particular that just hit you and you feel like you are there with them and I don't know, they're just so gut wrenching and amazing. Seriously, if you haven't seen it, you have to.
2. Cruel Intentions. This used to be my number one favorite. The whole movie is great, but the ending is just awesome.
3. Bridget Jones's Diary. Bridget Jones is my role model and idol in life. I love her. And if she can score men like Hugh Grant and Colin Firth, then there is hope in the world. Plus, this is one of those movies where I openly laugh hysterically, which doesn't happen often when I'm watching something alone.
4. Down With Love. The epitome of Girl Power. The twist at the end is freaking awesome. And I really dig the whole 60s vibe and style. And the scene where Catcher Block and Barbara Novak are on the phone together and there's a split screen is awesome. They're each doing normal-ish activities around the house, but with the two shots next to each other, it makes it look sexual. I don't know how to explain it, if you haven't seen it, but it's absolutely ingenius.
5. Pretty Woman. Man meets Hooker. Hooker falls for Man. Man realizes love for Hooker. Man and Hooker love each other forever and ever. Seriously, I love watching this movie. It's a classic, in my eyes. Plus, I have a gigantic crush on Richard Gere and his eyes.

(I have to admit, I'm not a big reader.)
1. "Naked" by David Sedaris. He writes short essay/story things about different hilarious things that have happened to him in his life. They ar SO FRIGGIN FUNNY. You should definitely read this.
2. "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim" by David Sedaris. Basically, for the same reasons. He's amazing. And his life is just so strange. And he's been in so many different weird situations that it's just incredible to read.
3. "Harry Potter" series. Yeah, I'm one of those people. Yeah, I LOVE Harry Potter. But I'm not too crazy about it, cause I tend to take a few weeks to read one of the books, whereas some people finish them in a day.
4. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey. Such an interesting book to read. It's written through the point of view of a selectively-mute, schizophrenic Native American in a mental hospital. What more could you ask for?
5. "The Catcher in the Rye" by JD Salinger. Come on, who doesn't want to be Holden Caulfield? And who doesn't want to be his best friend/girlfriend? Yeah, that's what I thought.

6. Five hobbies: Movies (making, studying, and watching them), witchcraft (practicing spells and communicating with the dead), drama club, doing technical theater (building sets and stuff), and driving around while rocking out to Spice Girls.
7. Favorite crayola color: Tickle Me Pink. Come on, that's a pretty cool name for a crayon. At least, I thought so when I was little.
8. What's on your favorite T-shirt? "Proud To Be Awesome"
9. Which is your favourite Disney Princess? I think it's a tie between Ariel and Jasmine. When I was younger, my best friend, Justin, bought me a Jasmine doll that you could fill with this perfume stuff that smelled like Jasmines. It was my favorite doll and smelled like that for like, ten years. I'm more partial to Ariel now, because... well, I'm not sure why, exactly. I think I like these two most, because they're not the traditional, white with blonde hair princesses. Yeah.
10. What is your favorite poem and/or poet of all time? Oh geez. I'm not really into poetry. I think it's a little too complex for my mind. But I think my friend, Steph, is an amazing poet.
11. What was your favorite television show as a child? Just one? Oh boy. Ummm... I'm gonna have to go with "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" It definitely got me obsessed with horror movies and stuff. It really needs to come out on DVD RIGHT NOW.
12. Who is your favorite artist (painter, sculptor, etc)? Andy Warhol. I'm not really into art, like paintings and stuff, but I've always been a fan of photography. Especially Andy Warhols. And he had that infamous four squares of the same picture in different technicolor hues. I think those are awesome.

Random Questions

13. What do you want your tombstone to say?: "Hey, what are you looking at? Move on, buster!" I don't know. I'm still not even sure if I want to be buried, yet.
14. One interesting fact about you: Umm... I can sing the alphabet backwards, really fast.
15. Tell us some of your favorite arbitrary (some might say “random”) items: Like, possessions? Okay. Well. I have a Magic 8-Ball that says sarcastic things when you ask it a question. And I have a cardboard cutout of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And three bowling pins. And a small collection of Thing 1 and Thing 2 toys/dolls.
16. What is the one thing you can't take someone criticizing about you? I can't take it when people criticize my personality, because that's who I am, and it hurts to know that someone doesn't like who you are.
17. What are you shy about?/What topics do you consider "off-limits" in a conversation? Nothing, really. I can talk about pretty much anything.
18. Tell us a joke. I can't. I can never remember jokes after I hear them. :-\
19. What do you think about: Karl Rove (and why Bush still hasn’t kicked him out of office)? I think nothing of it, actually. I think more about why no one's kicked Bush out of office yet.
20. What do you think the word "tzusuj" would mean? Isn't that some sort of tropical fruit?

21. Choose one:
a.) If you had the blood of 13 virgins, what would you do with it? I think I know a spell that requires the blood of 13 virgins, actually. I'll have to look that up, though.
b.) If you had the blood of 13 virgins, how do you think you got it?

22. Choose one:
a.) Why is a raven like a writing desk? Well, hmmm. I'm pretty sure the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe was written on a writing desk. Does that count?
b.) What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

23. Choose one: Pick four people (celebrities, fictional character, whatever) that you'd invite to...
a.) a dinner party and what food would you serve (describe in course detail)
b.) A cocktail party and what mini foods would you serve James Dean, Holden Caulfield, Dustin Hoffman, and Jake Gyllenhaal. And I'd serve those little cucumber finger sandwiches. Those are DAMN GOOD.
c.) A lightswitch rave?.
And explain why you chose the aforementioned people. I chose James Dean because, well, he's amazing. And he died too young. Holden Caulfield, because he's my favorite literary character ever. Dustin Hoffman because he's my favorite actor in the world. And Jake Gyllenhaal because he's so gorgeous and fun to look at.

24. If we hate you and end up ripping you a new asshole, how will you handle this? Anger? Sadness? Indifference? What? Please explain. Probably indifference. I'm pretty good with criticism, in general. I don't take many things too seriously.
25. The pope, the leader of your country and you are in a plane. The pilot and co-pilot tell you the plane is going down and there are only 4 parachutes. They take two and jump out. What do you do? (Please identify said country leader). Well, said country leader is Bush. And, well, I'd take one for myself, and give the other to the Pope, because he's old and we don't need two new popes in one year. However, plenty of people would be happier if Bush went down with a plane anyway, so I'd be doing much of the country a big favor.
26. Animals in people clothes Yes/No. Please explain your answer. No. It looks mildly ridiculous, and we all know the animals don't like it. I tried putting a party hat on my pet parrot once for my mom's birthday, and she bit me. Really hard. It drew blood.
27. A train leaves New York for London at a speed of 45 miles per hour. London is 3,470 miles away and at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Do you believe anyone dumb enough to board this train deserves to drown? YES.
28. Who's hotter Charles Darwin or Jesus H. Christ? Well, Jesus didn't wear much clothing. And when he did, it was airy and light. And every picture I've seen of Darwin shows him in thick, woolen clothing, so I'd say Darwin was probably hotter.
29. If you were stuck in a windowless, white room for a whole day with no means of occupying yourself, what would you do to keep busy? Knowing me, I'd sing the whole time. Or I'd try and see how far I can go through quoting movies, line by line. Granted, I can only do that for Zoolander and Mallrats, so it wouldn't last too long. And I'd probably sleep.
30. So, the Earth is going to be destroyed next week. What city would you absolutely have to see before it boiled into space? Athens. I'd love to go to Greece.
31. Would you ever join the Italian Mafia? What about the Russian one? Well, I'm not Italian. Nor am I Russian. So, I don't think I could if I tried.
32. If you could run away and join the circus, what would you do there and why? I'd throw on a prosthetic arm and be the three-armed woman in the Freak Show. Why? Well, why not?
33. Which muppet you would be and why? Gonzo, because I've always felt like I related to him.
34. What languages do you know? And why? English, French, and a tiny bit of Greek. English, because it's my first language. French I've been studying for six years. And I know a little Greek thanks to my Yia-Yia (great-grandmother) who always insisted to speak to me in it, even though I had no idea what she was saying. I just nodded my head and decided not to correct her when she called me Pamela (my mom's name). I also know the entire Greek alphabet.
35. What piece of literature do you absolutely want to douse with gasoline, gleefully burn, and then scatter the ashes the crossroads? Ummm... "Heart of Darkness". I HATED IT.
36. If you are intending on having children, what would you name your children? / If you already have them, what are their names? / If you don't intend on having children, please explain why. I intend on having several. I like the names Leila, Carter, Cassidy, Kennedy, Bella, Sophie, Trent...

37. Fill in the blank:
A good roommate should never _____. rape you in your sleep.
What is a BETTER ending to these cliches?:
A watched pot never ____. dances for you
Always look on the ____. roof for fallen UFOs.

38. What's your deepest, darkest sexual secret? This one time, at band camp, the lead tuba player and I went into the insturment shed and fucked like rabbits. I mean, never mind. I'm a virgin.
39. Pick any of the following items and explain your choice: a red christmas tree, a rotten turkey, or a bag of candy that tasted like sand. A bag of candy that tastes like sand, because I enjoy the taste of sand.


41. Your photo here:

42. a.) (choose one of the following)

i.) A picture/photo of anything else:

This was taken in Big Lots. It's one of my fave pictures, even though I look like a crazy person. Just to let you know, I'm a proud supporter of Gay lovin'.

ii.) Draw a self-portrait using only MSpaint (or a similar program).

b.) Blank space. (Post something random. A picture, a link, whatever, to make us laugh and keep us amused. Or if you’re stuck, five websites that you go to regularly (excepting email servers, Livejournal.com and search engines)

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