1. Name, nicknames, what you’d like to be called: Jessica. I kind of like Jessica, but Jess is good too.
2. Age, birthday: 20, 09/21
3. What color is your aura? Neon Yellow
4. Describe yourself in meteorological terms: Warm with a light breeze from the southeast. Showers in the early evening, but clearing up for a beautiful night.
5. Five favorite/personally important songs, movies, and books and why you chose them:
I sincerely apologize for the length of my explanations, I am a media junkie. Books, Movies, Art, and Music are my life. With that being said, please do read them. You might find a new favorite book, movie, or song!
1. (Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell- The Flaming Lips)
The song is about a man standing and waiting for something to happen. He notices everything going on around him and realizes that he is not active in any of it. The second verse goes on to say he is waiting for someone to love him, but their love never comes. The song speaks to me, because I feel like you shouldn't wait for things to effect you. It's better to go out there and make an effect than to a spectator. The music in the song was put onto a special edition Dolby Digital 5.0 DVD and you can listen to it in surround sound. It also has this crazy visual program that plays on the television while you listen. You feel the music going around you in a circle, while you watch a multicolored blip appear on the screen for every individual note in the song. Yeah, it's just about the trippiest thing ever.
2. (May this Be Love- Jimi Hendrix)
It's just a love song. The lyrics aren't to grasping or emotional. He's just saying that nothing in the world matters as long as he has her. It's the music that makes the song spectacular. Hendrix is arguably one of the greatest guitar players that has ever lived and he rest of the band was amazing. When you close your eyes and hear him saying Waterfall to the music, you can hear it flow back and forth through the speakers, just like a waterfall. Musical genius.
3. (Rocky Raccoon- The Beatles)
To me this song seems like it's sort of a joke on the world. It pokes fun at religion, love, life, revenge, and people in general. The music is great and I love the way the song sounds more like a story than a song. Whenever I am in a bad mood I listen to Rocky and Happiness. They both make me feel alive again.
4. (Can I Kick It?- A Tribe Called Quest) (
Oh Wow! This song kicks so much ass it hurts. It's one of the many reasons I think that hip-hop could very well be the greatest genre of music. It contains one of the best samples ever and the song is just about music. It's about loving music and loving to make music. You can just close your eyes and imagine the huge smiles on Tip and Phife's faces as they sing the song, dancing the whole while. It's pure happiness to your ears.
5. (Rudie Can't Fail- The Clash)
The Clash could be my favorite band of all time. This is the ultimate FUCK AUTHORITY! song. They are screaming at the top of their lungs, "You can't stop us, we're going to do whatever we want and we're stronger than you. We support and love each other and we'll always win". I realize that it's cliché, but I think that the essence of the whole punk rock movement was great and I wish it hadn't been watered down to what it is today. I love that The Clash created their own style of music and it shines through on this song.
1. The Breakfast Club
This movie is so honest. It is what really would happen if you took five random people and stuck them in a room for eight hours. They are forced to look at things from each other point of views and question their own morals. I think I would be amazing if high schools forced kids to do something to this effect. No matter how mature or intelligent you are, there are certain things you will do in high school. You will judge other people without knowing anything about them. You will cling to your comfortable little group of friends and degrade yourself for their approval. This movie breaks all those boundaries and to a rockin' 80's soundtrack. Who doesn't love the Bratpack?!
2. Full Metal Jacket
Stanley Kubrik is a God. Everything about this movie moves me. I cry every single time I watch it and I feel like I am always creating new ideas from it. All of the scenes are so simply shot and crisp. The hidden messages are so plentiful that I don't think I can even comprehend half of them. Kubrik looks at the war from every possible angle. All of the dialogues in this movie are so profound, yet written in such a humorous way that you can't help but feel ashamed at yourself for laughing the whole way through.
3. Harold and Maude
This is my Dad's favorite movie. It's my favorite love story of all time. Although most people would find it creepy to see a twenty year old and a seventy something woman together, I love it. The two actors play off each other so well. Harold eventually stops being afraid of death and Maude gets to die knowing she changed a wonderful person for the better. I love the humor in this movie and all of the cute little things they do for each other. It's one of those movies that makes you feel like any two people in the entire world could end up falling in love.
4. Dazed and Confused
This movie is just funny. It has a great cast and it's an interesting look at a generation.
5. Run Lola Run
It's one of those movies that shows how everything you do effects everything else that happens to you. It's a movie of what if's. I like these sorts of movies. They make you realize that you do make a difference and that the people around you notice it. I love the scenes with the still shots.
1. The Shawshank Redemption/Different Seasons- Stephen King
Stephen King is a master of developing characters. Andy and Red are some of his greatest characters. You want nothing more than for them to be able to be free and escape that horrible prison. It shows a heart breaking test of spirit. It makes you feel good about life. The book gives you the happy ending you want, but isn't too sugary sweet to stomach.
2. Stranger in a Strange Land- Robert Heinlein
This is my favorite book of all time. Although it's science fiction, it's completely realistic. If I was ever able to live in any sort of fictional reality, I would want to live in this one. The whole book is the greatest comment on mankind anyone could ever make. It made me believe that we are capable of so much more as a species. It made me have hope for myself and future generations. It's one of the few books that has ever reduced me to tears. If you have never read this book, please go and find a copy. Grok is the most amazing word/idea/theory ever.
3. Sloppy Firsts and Second Helpings- Megan McCafferty
I count both of these books as one, because they are a continuing story. They are the best coming of age story I have ever read. The story is written diary style from a girl's point of view. The books are so hilarious that you can forgive the angst and drama that is busting from their seams. The love story is perfect and it mirrors my very own life. These books are very personal to me. I wish the main character was real, she would be my best friend ever.
4. The Electric Koolaid Acid Test- Tom Wolfe
Tom Wolfe has a knack for placing you in the story. When the characters are on acid, the book reads like you're on acid. When the characters fight, you feel the tension. The story is nothing short of amazing and that fact that it's all true makes it just that much better. I think he does a great job of portraying the people in a realistic light instead of making them look like drug crazed maniacs.
5. Peterson Field Guides: Mushrooms- Vera and Kent McKnight
I am obsessed with my mycology. This book contains everything you would ever need to know about thousands of species of mushrooms. It has pretty color pictures and is written to be used in the field for quick identification. This is the most useful book I own.
6. Five hobbies:- cooking, reading, exploring Chicago, mycology, and photography
7. Favorite crayola color: neon orange
8. What's on your favorite T-shirt?: Snuffelupagus
9. Which is your favorite Disney Princess? Aurora/Briar Rose/Sleeping Beauty
10. What is your favorite poem and/or poet of all time?
Howl or Song- Allen Ginsberg
11. What was your favorite television show as a child? Mr. Rodgers
12. Who is your favorite artist (painter, sculptor, etc)? Monet
Random Questions
13. What do you want your tombstone to say?: When God trips, I dream of death, but why lie? I love life.
14. One interesting fact about you: I can understand spoken German, but I can't read or write it above a second grade level.
15. Tell us some of your favorite arbitrary items: nail clippers, duct tape, hard plastic comb, and carabineer with built in clock.
16. What is the one thing you can't take someone criticizing about you? My weight, it sets me off every time.
17. What are you shy about?/What topics do you consider "off-limits" in a conversation? Nothing, I really don't have any conversational taboos. My friends are too pervy and random to be able to put restrictions on talking about stuff.
18. Tell us a joke: Why was the tomato blushing? Because he saw the salad dressing!
19. What do you think about: Karl Rove? His goal in life seems to be to create and spread as much propaganda as possible. He's a troublemaker who will do anything to make himself look good. Bush won't kick him out, because he's friends with him and Rove worked on his campaign. He's a slanderer and a story teller. Eventually, no one will believe him.
20. What do you think the word "tzusuj" would mean? A yoga or karma sutra position
21. If you had the blood of 13 virgins, what would you do with it?
Sell it on the black market. I can see here being a very high demand for virgin blood. I am poor and could really use the money something like that would bring in. besides, I would just love to know what kind of people use/need virgin blood.
22. Choose one:
a.) A raven is like a writing desk, in that they both begin with the exact same sound when spoken using proper English.
23. Choose one: Pick four people (celebrities, fictional character, whatever) that you'd invite to:
b.)cocktail party- The Beatles. I would serve hummus and pita with little carrot and celery sticks. I would also have bowls of pistachios and trays of fresh tropical fruit. John would get trashed and go on some crazy diatribe about love. Ringo would walk around on his cell phone talking to agents and ordering special sunglasses. George, Paul, and I would sit on the couch half listening to John and half talking about whatever suited our fancy. I would choose The Beatles because besides being amazing musicians, they were all really intelligent men. I think that if I had lived in that time period where they peaked, I would have done everything in my power to meet them.
24. If we hate you and end up ripping you a new asshole, how will you handle this? Anger? Sadness? Indifference? What? I'll accept it. I might end up being a little saddened, because I tend to think I am a pretty interesting person and worth people's time.
25. The pope, the leader of your country and you are in a plane. The pilot and co-pilot tell you the plane is going down and there are only 4 parachutes. They take two and jump out. What do you do? Leave Bush and the Pope to fight and get the hell out. Bush would give the pope the parachute anyways. I mean if he came out alive while the pope fried in a jet fueled fire, no one would ever forgive him.
26. Animals in people clothes Yes/No? People who put animals in people clothes should be systematically hunted down and shot without prejudice. Your cats and dogs have fur so you don't have to knit them mini sweaters. I've always been convinced that this is the reason dogs bite people. How happy would you be to get stuffed into a itchy, hot, bright pink sweater and forced to parade around for the amusement of others?
27. A train leaves New York for London at a speed of 45 miles per hour. London is 3,470 miles away and at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Do you believe anyone dumb enough to board this train deserves to drown? Yes, Darwinism at it's finest hour!
28. Who's hotter Charles Darwin or Jesus H. Christ? Darwin was kind of stuffy. Personality wise, I would have to go with J.H.C. I bet he was a riot to talk to.
29. If you were stuck in a windowless, white room for a whole day with no means of occupying yourself, what would you do to keep busy? I would probably start out by stretching. I crack all of my joints. I realize that it's very bad for you, but it's habit. I might dance about for a while and tumble. Eventually, I would just sit and think. I don't think you can ever run out of interesting subject matter and if you were forced to sit somewhere and do nothing but think, you would end up coming out of it with all sorts of new ideas and outlooks.
30. So, the Earth is going to be destroyed next week. What city would you absolutely have to see before it boiled into space? Oh my, there's lots!
•San Francisco, CA, USA
•Amsterdam, Holland
•Dublin, Eire
•London, England
Yeah, the world just can't end next week, maybe next year?
31. Would you ever join the Italian Mafia? What about the Russian one? Nah, all the dishonesty and backstabbing would get to me. I am also a pretty peaceful person and couldn't kill anyone or anything of that nature.
32. If you could run away and join the circus, what would you do there and why? I would join Cirque De Sole and be a tumbler or dancer. I love how they combined dance and acrobatics for their show. The costumes are beautiful and watching them gives me the urge to join the ballet.
33. Which Muppet you would be and why I would be Rolf. I love music and tend to have a generally sunny outlook on life.
34. What languages do you know? And why?
I know English, because I was born in America and went to American schools that taught English as a required class. I love English, I think it sounds pretty. I try to learn as much as possible about this language. I know German, because I took it as a class in high school. I can only understand it spoken. My grammar and vocabulary are very poor. I know random bits and pieces of other languages from friends and living in Chicago for fifteen years.
35. What piece of literature do you absolutely want to douse with gasoline, gleefully burn, and then scatter the ashes the crossroads? Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. You have to understand that I have tried dozens of times to read this book. Every time I set my mind to plowing through it and not giving up. This book reminds me of trudging through mud. Although you want to get to whatever is on the other side of the puddle, you just can't lift your leg that high. I don't know why I can't read this book. Reading is my favorite thing in the world to do and I have read thousands of books. I just don't know. I hate this book and it just sits on my shelf. At least it wouldn't torment me if it was gone.
36. If you are intending on having children, what would you name your children? / If you already have them, what are their names? I have ever really thought about baby names. I am just starting to like the idea of having kids someday. They would probably have flowery names if they were girls. If they were boys I would pick something like Sean or Patrick. I like Irish names.
37. Fill in the blank:
A good roommate should never eat the last of your ice cream and put the empty carton back in the freezer.
What is a BETTER ending to these clichés?:
A watched pot never fails to boil eventually.
Always look on the back of the cereal box.
38. What's your deepest, darkest sexual secret? Nothing. I like to think I have a pretty healthy obsession with sex. I've alays found sex interesting and never hesitated to try new things. I totally admit that I watch porn. I've been dating the same person for almost three years. I'm really comfortable with all of it and have no problem answering questions.
Pick any of the following items and explain your choice: a red Christmas tree, a rotten turkey, or a bag of candy that tasted like sand
The red Christmas tree. I would never want the bad turkey or candy. I love food. Although the red tree would totally make me feel like I was crazy, I could live with it.
40. PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SAY SOMETHING INTERESTING: I turned 21 on Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning I woke up naked, with my head next to my bedroom door and half my body on my bed. The last thing I remember on Tuesday was taking a shot with the bartender. Apparently, I just blacked out and was quite uncooperative with people trying to help me. I rarely drink, maybe once a month if not less. I apparently drank like 21 shots if you include mixed drinks and the like. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! Someone played a very mean trick on me. G'morning sweetie! welcome to being a lush!
41. Your photo here:
b.) FUN! - cartoons - random and helpful drug information - I like words
uberdionysus - My farvorite LJ-er - I take pictures, sometimes.