(no subject)

Oct 02, 2005 00:14


1. Name, nicknames, what you’d like to be called: caitlin or caity
2. Age, birthday: 16, november 16th
3. What color is your aura? I'm guessing it's a grey-ish lavender.
4. Describe yourself in meteorlogical terms, i.e. "Partly sunny with a chance of rain.": Partly cloudy with thunderstorms in the evening. Highs in the mid 80s, lows in the low 70s. Winds S by SW.


5. Five favourite/personally important songs, moviesand books and why you chose them:
"I'm Only Happy When It Rains", Garbage; My favorite song. It describes me well, I genuinely enjoy a nice depression.
"It's You", P.J. Harvey; This is a song I sing all the time. It's beautiful and I love the lyrics.
"Grease"; My favorite movie since forever. I am completely in love with John Travolta and not afraid to admit it.
"Girl,Interrupted"; The book, not the movie. It's one of those books that makes everyone who reads it feel crazy. Or maybe thats just me. But I really identified with so many of the things Susanna Kaysen wrote about it. And the style of writing is divine.
"The Camera My Mother Gave Me"; Another book by Susanna Kaysen. This is a memoir about how something inexplicably went wrong with her vagina. I am dealing with something of the same sort so I idenitify with it.

6. Five hobbies: writing, theatre, reading, part-time Harry Potter nerd, full-time sexpot (just kidding... sort of)
7. Favorite crayola color: That's a toughie. I have to go with Robin's egg blue.
8. What's on your favorite T-shirt?: Nothing is on my t shirt. It is a violent shade of fushia. That is all.
9. Which is your favourite Disney Princess?: Oh! I've been dying for someone to ask me this. It is certainly and without a doubt Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.
10. What is your favorite poem and/or poet of all time?: Sylvia Plath.
11. What was your favorite television show as a child?: I had many. My most favorite was Boy Meets World.
12. Who is your favorite artist (painter, sculptor, etc)?: I love, love, love Leonardo do Vinci. I adore the renassaince style and da Vinci was so multi-talented and amazing. I think I had a crush on him when we did the renassaince in western civ.

Random Questions

13. What do you want your tombstone to say?: I don't want a tombstone. I want to be cremated. I'd rather live on someone's mantle than be nestled with the worms.
14. One interesting fact about you: Sometimes I read the dictionary. I like words a lot.
15. Tell us some of your favorite arbitrary (some might say “random”) items: My metal Betty Boop purse.
16. What is the one thing you can't take someone criticizing about you?: I'm pretty touchy when people criticise my size. I do have some weight issues. I used to be sort of heavy.
17. What are you shy about?/What topics do you consider "off-limits" in a conversation?: Nothing is out of bounds. Taboo is my favorite.
18. Tell us a joke.: Halloweeny
19. What do you think about: Karl Rove (and why Bush still hasn’t kicked him out of office)?: To be honest I know nothing about Karl Rove.
20. What do you think the word "tzusuj" would mean?: To be unable to pronounce.

21. Choose one:
a.) If you had the blood of 13 virgins, what would you do with it? Sell it to some vampires and make a pretty penny.
b.) If you had the blood of 13 virgins, how do you think you got it?
22. Choose one:
a.) Why is a raven like a writing desk? Quite simply- it is not.
b.) What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
23. Choose one: Pick four people (celebrities, fictional character, whatever) that you'd invite to
a.) a dinner party and what food would you serve (describe in course detail)
b.) A cocktail party and what mini foods would you serve
c.) A lightswitch rave?.
And explain why you chose the aforementioned people.
I would invite George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams to a lightswitch rave. I think the founding fathers should cut loose a little.

24. If we hate you and end up ripping you a new asshole, how will you handle this? Anger? Sadness? Indifference? What? Please explain. I would be partly amused and partly hurt. I tend to find it very funny when I am being ostrasized. But when it comes to a certain point, I do find it hurtful.
25. The pope, the leader of your country and you are in a plane. The pilot and co pilot tell you the plane is going down and there are only 4 parachutes. They take two and jump out. What do you do? (Please identify said country leader). I grab both. One for me, the other for if my first one fails. Self preservation is key.
26. Animals in people clothes Yes/No. Please explain your answer. Yes. Because of this:

27. A train leaves New York for London at a speed of 45 miles per hour. London is 3,470 miles away and at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Do you believe anyone dumb enough to board this train deserves to drown?: I believe it and I believe it firmly.
28. Who's hotter Charles Darwin or Jesus H. Christ?: No question- Jesus H. Christ.
29. If you were stuck in a windowless, white room for a whole day with no means of occupying yourself, what would you do to keep busy?: Probably sing every song I know. I think I would start with "My Girl" by the Temptations.
30. So, the Earth is going to be destroyed next week. What city would you absolutely have to see before it boiled into space?: Atlantas.
31. Would you ever join the Italian Mafia? What about the Russian one?: I would join a lesbian mafia.
32. If you could run away and join the circus, what would you do there and why?: I would want to do the make-up for the whores. I want to make small-talk with them.
33. Which muppet you would be and why: Miss Piggy. That bitch is fly.
34. What languages do you know? And why? I sort of know Spanish because I am taking my Fourth Year of Spanish.
35. What piece of literature do you absolutely want to douse with gasoline, gleefully burn, and then scatter the ashes the crossroads?: I hate the idea of burning books. Unless it's a book by Jewel.
36. If you are intending on having children, what would you name your children? / If you already have them, what are their names? / If you don't intend on having children, please explain why. If I have children I need insurance. I need to know that I am insured to have perfect kids with perfect teeth that won't need braces. I won't have kids without that insurance. Does State Farm cover that?

37. Fill in the blank:
A good roommate should never leave a smelly dump in the loo.
What is a BETTER ending to these cliches?:
A watched pot never orgasms.
Always look on the left side.

38. What's your deepest, darkest sexual secret?: Sometimes I think that if I got raped for real, I would enjoy it.
39. Pick any of the following items and explain your choice: a red christmas tree, a rotten turkey, or a bag of candy that tasted like sand. The red christmas tree. If the tree was red you wouldn't have to waste time decorating it.


41. Your photo here:

42. a.) (choose one of the following)

i.) A picture/photo of anything else:

That is a girl eating a cupcake. I call her sweet pee. She just so happens to be my bestest friend.
ii.) Draw a self-portrait using only MSpaint (or a similar program).

b.) Blank space. (Post something random. A picture, a link, whatever, to make us laugh and keep us amused. Or if you’re stuck, five websites that you go to regularly (excepting email servers, Livejournal.com and search engines)

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