Aug 13, 2006 17:33


1. Name, nicknames, what you’d like to be called: Willow, Will, that girl
2. Age, birthday: 16, 20 April 1990
3. What color is your aura? idk, I don't believe in that stuff. But I guess Orange. Because it's got red's passion, but is slightly more calm and warm like yellow.
4. Describe yourself in meteorlogical terms
"Heat lightning with a chance of calming rain."


5. Five favourite/personally important songs, movies, and books and why you chose them
::SONG:: "I Woke Up In A Car" Something Corporate, I've moved around a lot, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes notsomuch. But when first heard this song, I just loved the catchy hooks and transitions, and also I couldn't help but identify with it right away. It just screams the notsosecret secrets of my heart! So it's become my personal theme.

::SONG:: "Wherever You Will Go" The Calling, say whatever you want, this song is beautiful. It reminds me of my former guardian and all the good times we had together while he raised me. And then it reminds me that he's not able to take care of me anymore. I never really found out why. I listen to this song and hope that he's still thinking of me too.

::MOVIE:: Pee Wee's Big Adventure Dir. Tim Burton may have scarred me for life with those hauntingly disturbing images of those clowns. I was 5! But now I love it. It, like a lot of Hollywood films, definitely built up my belief in the under-dog, the misunderstood, the ones who try to stay children forever. Not to mention, it was directed by Tim Burton! I suppose the details behind Paul Reuben's arrests probably illustrate some of the dangers of following such a philosophy. But he's out now, and back in pictures, so I guess he's got his life together a bit better...maybe.

::MOVIE:: Thir13en, okay, I'm totally envious of Evan Rachel Wood because of this film, but only because it's so good. Yeah, she had help, but so did Sofia Coppola, but she didn't write people this real. I like to see more female directors, but so many seem bent on imitating men and come off as either cheesy or pretentious. Thir13en manages to capture a more real girlishness that I don't know if any previous female director had. Pretty basic story, I guess, but that's also the magic and wonder of it.

::BOOK:: The Bible, though I kind of go back and forth with faith in God, and Heaven, I wish I was spiritual enough to just get it, but I don't...always. I put more stock in living now, and doing what I can to make this world the best it can be. Or atleast not any worse. I love the Bible though because it has everything. And nothing like it could ever be published today. But beyond the blood and prostitution, there's great stories that still apply to everyday life. Not always at face value. You just have to read between the lines.

6. Five hobbies: Dancing, martial arts, painting, writing, guerrilla theatre
7. Favorite crayola color They all pretty much taste the same.
8. What's on your favorite T-shirt? Spaghetti sauce. Good thing I'm doing a load of white's today.
9. Which is your favourite Disney Princess? Mulan, if she counts as a Disney Princess. Because she actually does something besides fall in love. But it's cool that she does that too. I like that she breaks a tradition in order to uphold a higher one. And finds herself and grows a bit more in the process too.
And also for this:

But if that doesn't work, I do like Aurora, Sleeping Beauty, because their love defies all the odds and so-called destiny.

10. What is your favorite poem and/or poet of all time? That would be "Howl" and "Allen Ginsberg," I read it during my primers, outside of school, and from the opening line "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness..." I was hooked. I also love a friend of mine's parody of this line in his poem "Post Moron" where it goes, "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by pretension..."
11. What was your favorite television show as a child? Didn't watch a lot of TV as a child, but I guess it would have to be "The Story of Tracy Beaker." That show gave me a lot of ideas. Maybe too many...
12. Who is your favorite artist (painter, sculptor, etc)? Honestly, my best friend, Susan. Her illustrations are awesome. More famously, Rembrandt or James William Waterhouse.

Random Questions

13. What do you want your tombstone to say?: MakeDamnSure
14. One interesting fact about you: I've never met my real parents.
15. Tell us some of your favorite arbitrary (some might say “random”) items: A little brass key that doesn't go to anything, a toothbrush, a notebook, army jacket, and 'pageboy' hat
16. What is the one thing you can't take someone criticizing about you? My past, my friends, but mostly my former guardian, because it happens more often, and though it might be true, it doesn't seem like anyone else has the right to say it.
17. What are you shy about?/What topics do you consider "off-limits" in a conversation? The above, and though I don't mind other people talking about it, I don't like talking about sex, and I get really red when it's discussed in front of me. I mean, it's not totally taboo, but I'll just become very quiet, maybe giggle, and have to go away. Yes, I'm very mature.

18. Tell us a joke.
Tom had been in the liquor business for 25 years.
Finally sick of the stress he quits his job and buys 50 acres of land in Alaska as far from humanity as possible. He sees the postman once a week and gets groceries once a month.
Otherwise it's total peace and quiet. After six months or so of almost total isolation, someone knocks on his door.

He opens it and sees a huge, bearded man standing there.
"Name's Lars, your neighbor from forty miles up the road...Having a Christmas party Friday night...Thought you might like to come. About 5:00."

"Great," says Tom, "after six months out here I'm ready to meet some local folks. Thank you."

As Lars is leaving, he stops. "Gotta warn you...There's gonna be some drinkin'."

"Not a problem" says Tom. "After 25 years in the business, I can drink with the best of 'em."

Again, the big man starts to leave and stops. "More 'n' likely gonna be some fightin' too."

"Well, I get along with people, I'll be all right. I'll be there. Thanks again."

"More'n likely be some wild sex, too."

"Now that's really not a problem" says Tom, warming to the idea "I've been all alone for six months! I'll definitely be there.
By the way, what should I wear?"

"Whatever you want. Just gonna be the two of us."

19. What do you think about: Karl Rove (and why Bush still hasn’t kicked him out of office)?
The Chief of Staff of the United States. Do I get a cookie? Um, probably the same reason he hasn't kicked out anybody else. There's too much loyalty and need to have other bigger assholes to make him look like less of an asshole by comparison. I don't really understand how Bush thinks that's possible though...
20. What do you think the word "tzusuj" would mean?
A sexual disease originating in African that causes secretions of puss and blood as well as a shriveling of the sexual organs. If treated goes away in about 2 - 3 days. If virus persists, however, may result in permanent damages.

21. Choose one:
a.) If you had the blood of 13 virgins, what would you do with it?
b.) If you had the blood of 13 virgins, how do you think you got it? 13 scene kids pissed me off for not moshing and got crushed in the aftermath of what was found to be a great show
22. Choose one:
a.) Why is a raven like a writing desk? It isn't. It's just an example Lewis Carroll used to illustrate one of those questions that doesn't really have answer, but will be asked from time to time. But to humor you, "Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat; and it is never put with the wrong end in front!"
b.) What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
23. Choose one: Pick four people (celebrities, fictional character, whatever) that you'd invite to
Scott Summers (X-Men Marvel comics)
Jason Schwartzman (actor, Rushmore, I <3 Huckabees, nephew of Francis Coppola)
Lord Byron (19th century Romantic poet)
Kate Moss (model, former coke-addict)

a.) a dinner party and what food would you serve (describe in course detail)
b.) A cocktail party and what mini foods would you serve
c.) A lightswitch rave?
Because I'm attracted to repetive tones and blinking lights.
And explain why you chose the aforementioned people.

Kate Moss, because I'm pretty sure she'd know better what to do exactly, if anything were to go wrong. Or people started tripping erratically. Scott Summers, because I love him to death, but he's so under-rated and under-used to his full bad-ass potential anymore in the comics and films. I know he can have a little more edge. Jason Schwartzman, because he's my favorite actor, although a light-switch rave is probably a little out of his element. May have to catch up with him at that dinner party, or a wine tasting afterwards. Lord Byron, love his poetry and as the guy who inspired the Lizard King -- and according to his own colleagues -- an essential guest at any party once. But probably never again afterwards. I don't know. Depends on how rude he is v. how much fun we have.

24. If we hate you and end up ripping you a new asshole, how will you handle this? Anger? Sadness? Indifference? What? Please explain. Depends on how personal the comments are. Simple "No's" are kind of annoying (but then so are simple "Yes's" to me), but clear disrespect would result in tears or sarcasm.
25. The pope, the leader of your country and you are in a plane. The pilot and co pilot tell you the plane is going down and there are only 4 parachutes. They take two and jump out. What do you do? (Please identify said country leader).
Well, I have a duel-citizenship, um, but I guess the leader of the country I'm in now would be Pres. George W. Bush. Hmm, very tempting, but I would question what happened to make the plane go down in the first place. And if the pope and President Bush are on said plane, why aren't there other planes around that we could get into instead? If there were a communication difficulty that created this situation where we are now abandoned and falling to our deaths, um, wouldn't that be the pilot's fault? and thus, should we apply ole' ship rules, "Pilot goes down with his plane?" besides, who better would know how to survive in the plane as long as possible and hope to land it semi-properly than the pilot? Thus it could work out that we all survive. I mean, I don't much care for Bush's policies, but that's no reason to let him be killed.
26. Animals in people clothes Yes/No. Please explain your answer. Wow. Random. Well, I imagine if the animal is into it, whatever. But, most animals I know hate being put in people's clothes and will fight and rebel against any attempt. My own dog won't even wear a collar. So, hats off to anyone who tries, but your funeral.
27. A train leaves New York for London at a speed of 45 miles per hour. London is 3,470 miles away and at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Do you believe anyone dumb enough to board this train deserves to drown?
There is no train between New York and London. Your question is invalid because the boarders have nothing to board and thereby won't drown.
28. Who's hotter Charles Darwin or Jesus H. Christ? Jesus, undisputably, hotter. But I might have that jungle fever.
29. If you were stuck in a windowless, white room for a whole day with no means of occupying yourself, what would you do to keep busy? Sing showtunes, loud and out of key. Create my own sock puppet theatre. Name my toes after dead presidents.
30. So, the Earth is going to be destroyed next week. What city would you absolutely have to see before it boiled into space?
Rome, because I would be the one causing or trying to stop it from there.
31. Would you ever join the Italian Mafia? What about the Russian one? Italian, yes. Russian, no. But, technically, the mafia is only Italian, because it's an Italian word. Russia might have another word for it. But there is no word in Russian for honor, so it loses my vote.
32. If you could run away and join the circus, what would you do there and why? My act would be combination of acrobatics and lion taming, because I'm flexible, an adrenaline junkie, and I like being able to master and co-operate with large wild beasts.
33. Which muppet you would be and why? Priscilla, because she got engaged to the rat. And the rat was always my favorite.
34. What languages do you know? And why? English and bad English. Because I was never able to put the other languages I was taught (Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese) into regular practice. And after moving to America, the lessons stopped anyway, and I got lazy.
35. What piece of literature do you absolutely want to douse with gasoline, gleefully burn, and then scatter the ashes at the crossroads? All of Oscar Wilde's plays. I abhor him. He reminds me of what I've heard about my biological father. Cynical, snobbish, and an abandoner of his children. And his plays do nothing to remedy this, IMHO.
36. If you are intending on having children, what would you name your children? / If you already have them, what are their names? / If you don't intend on having children, please explain why. Kids? uh, I don't know. I don't really think about it. I still am a kid. I guess I like the names Charlie, Josh, and David for boys. Because the guys I've met with names like these have always been fun, but with a sweet, caring nature too. And, uh, girls, maybe Megan, Lisa, or something normal. Anything but a tree. Especially one that is often associated in bad poetry as "weeping."

37. Fill in the blank:
A good roommate should never Brush her teeth in the kitchen sink.
What is a BETTER ending to these cliches?:
A watched pot never boils all the contents over on the side causing one to burn their hand trying to wipe it off due to spontaneous act of stupidity.
Always look on the warning label of the bottle before taking with alcohol.

38. What's your deepest, darkest sexual secret? I once walked in on my best friend involved in a three way with a strange guy and what looked like another girl. I stood there for a good minute, before walking out, and closing the door behind me. My friend has yet to address the incident directly since.
39. Pick any of the following items and explain your choice: a red christmas tree, a rotten turkey, or a bag of candy that tasted like sand.
The bag of candy. Must be the kid in me. And sand is fine. In Miami, lived on nothing but sand and orange juice for a week. Lost 5 stone. Yeah, great diet.

Oh, the sweet bitter sadness of the last taco chip!

41. Your photo here:

42. a.) (choose one of the following)

i.) A picture/photo of anything else:

My doggie, DJ, that found me and I rescued...

ii.) Draw a self-portrait using only MSpaint (or a similar program).

b.)Blank space.

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