Dear Roomie,
I am glad you like to shower/bathe. Really, it's a good thing. What's not so good is when you go into the bathroom and stay in there for two hours, when I'm home -- without asking me first. Yes, I don't ask you when I take a shower/bath, but alas, I have tried and I am incapable of staying in the bathtub for more than twenty minutes. The longest I was ever in the bathroom was 40 minutes, and that was because I couldn't pull the plug out of the tub...and 20 minutes of that was me fully dressed and kneeling on the floor with my arm in the water, fighting with the damn plug.
No, you choose to shower in the morning, right before bed, and at various intervals during the afternoon. You even said you'd ask me if I needed the bathroom before occupying it for so long, but that was back in October, and since then you have asked me four times. And you shower/bathe almost every day. Also, your insistence that if I knock, you'll hurry up is useless because you have the water running almost constantly, and often you have music as well, ergo when I do knock, you don't hear it.
You're leaving at the end of this month and for the most part you've been a decent roommate, but I am tired of bursting because I realize I have to go twenty minutes after you get in, and am stuck waiting two hours. So please, knock on my door? You know I'm home. And if you want me to, I'll start knocking on your door when I shower too, even if I don't usually shower when you're home and have never had complaints of taking so long in the bathroom...unlike you. Just please, either get out of the damn bathroom at a reasonable time or warn me.
No love,