isnt this background crazy.
is it just me or is the phrase "i just want to be friends"....way over used...?
HAHAHAHAHA holy effing shit lauren. i cant look at that pic w.o cracking up.
hott shyt or what; i was a gini
u can see my fake penis n armpit hair. along with my hoe hannah<3
im sorry natalie dd stine n esper but this is the true way of dressing up.
my fav. n hannah showing off the new trendy arm pit hair.made from mascara and now u can see it is very cool to wear under garments on the outside. and its a new fashion to make urself look manly. haha arent we freaking dorks!sooo effing ugly. thats how we do it.
My idol!seriously i think this girl is the hottest person ALIVE
Michelle is fuckin hott shyt too
man im speechless
oh what a beautiful girl<3
wow.if u cant tell thats lauren hannah darby n me
molly is a wiger...holding her "penis" look at laurens ass....damn cracks me up..darby licking hannahs armpits. wow we r SO freaking crazy...btw..dosent my stomach explain us?