Jun 01, 2004 14:22
At work & playing online 'till the conference room clears out and I can file again...Yay. The internet is not as amusing as it once was, I remember when I could spend hours doing nothing online and be fine with it, now it seems that all I get online for is school/work research and/ or purchases.
May 30, 2004 20:09
Why is it that its always my computer that stops wanting to get online? First it was the desktop downstairs now my laptop. I will forever have to check my email from my mom's computer...grrr. ('till she inevitably gets bored with it and gives it to me as a gift while she gets a new one and then this one dies also.)
Apr 18, 2004 21:31
Trying to decide between hearing Cher say "hey babe" or J.LO say "welcome to the A to the OL" when I log onto AOL...decisions, decisions...
Apr 16, 2004 23:00
Went to the Prince concert Tuesday...as expected it was AWESOME!!! Going to see Dave Chappelle w/ Vince tomorrow, Yay!
Apr 11, 2004 12:43
HAPPY EASTER everyone! Two more days until PRINCE LIVE!!!!!
Mar 05, 2004 16:42
I got a new job!! after three years at the poster place I am now the receptionist for a mortgage broker. Yay! Also, I just bought Britney Spears tickets for July, woo hoo!
Jan 08, 2004 16:10
So Uncle Roy called today to say that he was writing a play about our family tree...I can only imagine how scary it will be.
In other news I have ordered my pink Nikes woowoo!!!!
Dec 13, 2003 16:35
Designing pretty nikes with Vince. His are ugly and obsidian but mine rule, Woohoo for pink air zoom spiridons!!!
Oct 10, 2003 16:29
looking at my degree audit report. grrr still need to many classes urg I am so tired of school. well, on to schedual classes.
Sep 09, 2003 17:55
Brandy at work put in her two weeks notice today...best news ever