I'm pretty sure they transferred us from our original bodies into these organic ones made just for us. I think they have our other bodies stored away somewhere in the meantime. Wish I knew where though...
Yeah, it acts up and gets stupid sometimes too. Watch out for when it makes your face all red and hot! I still don't get why it does it, but it always seems to happen at the worst times...
Geeze, sorry to hear that! I've had all my limbs blasted off one time. Really sucked. This place seems to bring in people from all sorts of situations, haven't really gotten a clear pattern of it though...
Tiphares is this floating tower that hangs above a factory city called the Scrapyard. Lots of cyborgs come from there. I still haven't found anyone here who knows what I'm talking about...
I'll keep that in mind. [pen taps] You wouldn't happen to know anything about that annoying appendage between a human's legs, would you? It's really bothersome.
That...doesn't sound pleasant. Were you repaired before you were brought here?
[Strikeouts illegible]sixth_attackSeptember 1 2011, 02:44:41 UTC
Annoying appendage? Oh! That. You use that to piss with after eating and stuff. That's pretty much all I know so far. Oh, and don't let anyone hit it, okay? Hurts like HELL...
Yeah, I was in a better body before I ended up here, it was my Fizziroy model and it just went through repairs too! I really miss that body's power...
[Strikeouts illegible] sixth_attackSeptember 2 2011, 03:21:25 UTC
Yep, pretty much. Unless there's something else I've missed, hell if I know.
Reploid? You don't mean Replica Haven't heard of the Reploid term before, but it is a cyborg body made for combat! The Fizziroy model uses polytene stuff under high pressure, making it one of the most powerful cyborg bodies out there! (Don't ask me for all the details of how the polytene stuff works though, my cybertechs were better with that...)
[This line added in some time later:] Who are you?
I'm Sechs, and you are...?
... I'm not sure if there's anything left of my old body, though. Really makes me wonder how they brought me here.
I'm Zero. [pen taps] Are you Neo Arcadian, by chance?
You mean your body got damaged or destroyed before ending up here? This place works in the weirdest ways...
[Pen taps] Nope, never heard of this Neo Arcadian thing, sorry. I suppose then you wouldn't know about Tiphares?
Completely destroyed by an explosion, from what I can remember. Guess I was wrong if I woke up here.
No I don't. What is it?
Geeze, sorry to hear that! I've had all my limbs blasted off one time. Really sucked. This place seems to bring in people from all sorts of situations, haven't really gotten a clear pattern of it though...
Tiphares is this floating tower that hangs above a factory city called the Scrapyard. Lots of cyborgs come from there. I still haven't found anyone here who knows what I'm talking about...
That...doesn't sound pleasant. Were you repaired before you were brought here?
I see. No, I can't help you there. Sorry.
Yeah, I was in a better body before I ended up here, it was my Fizziroy model and it just went through repairs too! I really miss that body's power...
No prob.
Fizziroy model? Is that some new type of combat Reploid?
Reploid? You don't mean Replica Haven't heard of the Reploid term before, but it is a cyborg body made for combat! The Fizziroy model uses polytene stuff under high pressure, making it one of the most powerful cyborg bodies out there! (Don't ask me for all the details of how the polytene stuff works though, my cybertechs were better with that...)
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