Day 57: Cafeteria

Jun 26, 2011 03:01

Edgar's charming company had raised Anise's spirits enough that not even the Head Doctor's voice could bring them back down. Besides, she was feeling pretty sure that Landel wasn't actually around. To begin with, it wouldn't make sense, and secondly, his announcements sounded suspiciously like ones she'd already heard before. While Anise wasn't ( Read more... )

sonia, kirk, carter, japan, bella, scott pilgrim, anise, izaya, claire littleton, the doctor, sora, england, prussia, firo, utena, renamon, claude, guybrush, ted logan, elena gilbert, edgeworth, peter parker, tolten, kurogane, dean winchester, seishin, grell, byrne, albedo, guy, stefan, peter petrelli, nigredo, tear, rose (tvd), lightning, damon, rita, ritsuka, two-face, rapunzel, castiel, erika, edgar, allelujah, tifa, the scarecrow, mikado, trickster, chise, ippo, alaric, okita, meekins, claire stanfield, edward cullen, battler, zack, mccoy, wichita, l, harry lockhart

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human_sponge June 26 2011, 18:31:55 UTC
Speaking with Depth Charge had definitely been a good way to start the day, if only because Peter was comfortable around him and saw him as one of the few constants here. Still, he realized that he needed to be careful, as nothing was really constant in this place. He'd lost Brooklyn and Roland and -- man, it was just occurring to him that he'd made a lot of friends who weren't really human. A gargoyle, a demon, and... whatever Depth Charge was. Peter didn't really know the right term for it.

It was still kind of eerie, the way that the Head Doctor's words were being recycled now. The man wasn't even here -- he was out in the forest somewhere, probably tormenting Marc. Hopefully not brainwashing him or anything, because that was really the last thing they needed ( ... )


ofthemotions June 27 2011, 07:33:40 UTC
That... had been strange. Different worlds? Where did he come up with that--or rather, why had people told Hope that? Mikado blinked in thought, wondering. That was something unknown to focus on, something he couldn't know at this moment. Rather than focusing on the man leading him who knows where now, who refused to answer Mikado in more than grunts. The people in charge here were, uh. Charming. And exceedingly unhelpful ( ... )


human_sponge June 27 2011, 16:39:38 UTC
Despite his searching, in the end Peter was approached by someone who he didn't know. That was just as common as meeting up with a friend, if not more so, and so Peter didn't mind. Especially considering how young the boy looked. In a situation like this, he was always willing to provide support to any young person, although he had to admit that hadn't gone over well so far ( ... )


ofthemotions June 28 2011, 03:03:30 UTC
Mikado accepted the allowance with a nod and started to sit, glancing at the man a second time at the words. Saying it filled up fast meant he was familiar, then, right? There might be a chance this person knew what was going on more than Hope had. He settled into the chair, looking warily at the substance in front of him.

Peter was certainly a western name, less unique than Hope's and more... an actual name than a process. The man also looked European or American. Had he immigrated? His Japanese was flawless. Maybe a student of some sort. He gave a slightly uncomfortable smile. "I'm Ryuugamine Mikado. Pleased to meet you."

And as he half-bowed his head in acknowledgment, he noticed, off to the side, a girl with extremely long hair. Extremely long, white hair. How had she ever...? He wasn't an expert on bleaching and dyeing by any rate, but shouldn't her hair have fallen out if she did all of that? Maybe it was a wig.... Outright staring, he pulled his gaze back to his tablemate, waving off the concern. "Ah, it's fine, I'm sure ( ... )


human_sponge June 28 2011, 04:00:57 UTC
That name was a bit of a mouthful, Peter had to admit. Then again, he imagined that some people would have had a hard time pronouncing his last name, what with all the l's and r's involved. It all depended on what language you'd grown up speaking and what sounds your mouth was used to making. For some people, Mikado's name would have been easy to pronounce.

"Is it all right if I call you Mikado?" Because the other name was probably just going to end up butchered if he gave it a shot. He knew that the name was likely Japanese and therefore it was more polite to use the surname, but... this would really be the best option for both of them.

Though Peter still hadn't figured out why there were so many Japanese patients here. He wondered if anyone had ever tried to crack that mystery ( ... )


ofthemotions June 28 2011, 08:07:33 UTC
"Uh." What was with the multitude of people that skimmed on formality? Still. It wasn't that he minded, really. It was just.... "No, that's fine. Peter-san, then, was it?" The name was awkward on his tongue but came out well enough. He wondered if there would be a chance to ask him how he had ended up here ( ... )


human_sponge June 28 2011, 17:04:57 UTC
Peter-san. He'd been called that by a number of other patients before, and while it was kind of weird, he didn't mind being referred to by that title if it made the speaker feel more comfortable. "Yeah, that's fine," he replied with a smile. At least they had the easy stuff like names out of the way now.

It was difficult to watch someone struggling to eat that food, though Mikado got a bite down without too much trouble. When he was sitting there eating just as well as they always had in this place, the guilt started to grow. It wasn't his fault, but if the staff had at least let him pass some of his food over, that would have been better. It wasn't worth the risk, though, and so Peter just laughed at the boy's comment. "That sounds about right, yeah." Peter tried to make a habit of eating healthy things, but he had to agree that the stuff that was bad for you tasted the best.

But if Mikado was that clueless, that meant he had to be really new. As in just-woke-up new. Peter tried not to sigh. It wasn't that he blamed the kid for ( ... )


ofthemotions June 30 2011, 06:43:47 UTC
The light subjects slid away from Mikado's mind as he openly stared at Peter for a moment. The next forkful of food took the same route, slipping downward to plop back into the bowl. The light sound distracted him enough for him to glance down, blinking at the food like he had forgotten it was there. A... mental institute ( ... )


human_sponge June 30 2011, 22:52:10 UTC
It was hard to tell whether or not anything was really registering with Mikado when he was staring off at nothing, forgetting all about his food as his mind wandered. Peter realized that it was hard to grasp, and probably even more so for someone the boy's age. He wondered if he'd been too forward or if there was something else he could say to help Mikado understand, but after a moment the boy came out with a question that was straight to the point ( ... )


ofthemotions July 1 2011, 06:11:55 UTC
...The first two theories presented were really irregular, and just added to the option that Peter was just crazy. But in all honesty, from a different standpoint, those two options made sense. Mikado had watched people fight who seemed like it couldn't just be something natural, and bordered preternatural instead. And experiments? He had proof of those, and just the mention gave weight to the opposing option, of someone with a grudge behind all this ( ... )


human_sponge July 1 2011, 18:01:53 UTC
If Mikado was looking for details on what to watch out for at night, then they may have just hit a point where Peter was going to lose the kid. He'd already gone through this with Firo, though. He'd told him about the monsters and had received disbelief in return, only to get an apology a day or so later when the kid had realized he was right. Maybe it would go the same way with Mikado ( ... )


ofthemotions July 2 2011, 22:10:55 UTC
So it was the same. Hm. If everyone had no recollection, maybe.... He had to stop thinking about it without more information. At least this person seemed open about everything. Mikado nodded in acknowledgment, accepting the point to think over more later. That, at least, was something that could be taken. Something obvious and clear.

Unlike Peter's second point. That they could get outside was reassuring--if nothing else, finding out about the surroundings would be acceptable. Of the other part....

Maybe it was that Peter spoke so rationally, even giving that he understood it was a hard point to bear. Still. Monsters? Even after Celty-san and everything with that, having it said like this.... Mikado laughed slightly, a bit awkwardly. "Do you mean... like there's attack dogs outside?" Attack bears. Who knows what could be trained to do things?


human_sponge July 3 2011, 06:31:26 UTC
The laugh made it clear that Mikado wasn't used to this sort of thing, though Peter imagined that most people weren't. Even where he was from, where superhuman people existed, the idea of monsters was just ridiculous. They couldn't all be called experiments gone wrong, either, since some of the stuff he'd seen went so far beyond that.

"You could say that," he responded after a pause. "Some of them look like animals that are half-dead... and they usually are much larger than you'd expect, too." That was the case with the cats, at least, and he figured it applied to most of the other mammals here.

"It might sound nuts and you can believe whatever you want for now, but just..." He cut off for a moment to sigh. "Be careful, all right?" It was all he could really say for now.


ofthemotions July 4 2011, 08:20:58 UTC
...Animals half dead? What kind of place was this? Breeding vicious attack animals and just what--starving them? Just to make sure people didn't leave. Why didn't they just lock them inside then? None of it made any sense at all. Mikado frowned in confusion, listening to Peter regardless.

"...It is a little hard to believe," Mikado replied slowly. "But I'm glad that you took the time to tell me. Thank you." The boy nodded his head in brief gratitude, before glancing over to the group of men dressed like the one that had escorted him. "Those guys over there wouldn't answer anything."

Peter's concern seemed sincere, and Mikado blinked downward, really wondering what went on at night. From the way Peter spoke, it seemed like it was assumed Mikado would still be here by then. He... didn't know what to think about that. "Can I ask you one other thing? Where is this place? It's not familiar at all to me."


human_sponge July 5 2011, 16:05:54 UTC
Surprisingly enough, Mikado seemed to be handling all of this much better than Firo had. While Firo hadn't ever been outwardly rude, he had made it more obvious that he wasn't buying it. Mikado seemed unsure himself, but he at least took a moment to thank Peter for trying to help. He would understand how useful the information was eventually -- that much Peter knew for sure ( ... )


ofthemotions July 10 2011, 20:55:09 UTC
And new terminology to settle on, if all of this turned out accurate. The big guys were the staff--which he had gotten, really, from the way they had lead him around--and everyone else were patients. If this was a mental institute, that meant everyone here were crazy, and if it was a... conspiracy or something, that meant that probably all of the people here had been locked up against their will. The certain thing was that Mikado was not insane, so that added weight to Peter's words. If he was here, that allowed the possibility that others might be the same.

As well, another way to test out the weight of words would be the bulletin board Peter mentioned. At the least Mikado could see if people lined up on this. He nodded again. "Okay."

It was the last thing said that shattered any outward calm in the boy. For a moment, Mikado was still gazing at Peter in troubled thought, and apparently digesting the information. Then his eyes widening, blinking rapidly as he leaned forward, hands clutching the edge of the table. "America?"


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