Touching the sandy grounds of the coliseum was a catalyst, and the progression of day did not mean the end of the process. By fortune or otherwise, this group's efforts were not allowed to halt simply due to the rising sun. Therefore, when nighttime was pronounced, those who had undergone the beginnings of an incomplete trial were pulled from their
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This hemoglobin-fueled transportation trick was old news. S.T. came to with his head under a bleacher, staring at a pair of boots. It had been a long time since that had happened, since these days Fenway beer was advertising and community networking. He dragged himself up onto the seat and looked around.
Two stands, big round field ground down to mud and painted-on white lines, and a referee's booth full of grinning lunatic. Which sadistic bastard didn't matter.
S.T. settled onto the seat and pulled out a bag of pretzels. He could play along.
Early in the 21st century, improvements in data transfer and computing technology would vie to replace the grand tradition of editorial cartoons, graffiti, and interpersonal contact, with the transmission of video captures backhoed out of their original ditch and flung into the air of cyberspace.
The grand-daddy of all of these made an entirely apt representation of S.T.'s face.
( ... )
He did throw a pretzel at Aguilar, as General Social Darwinism started up the propaganda bellows and gave his opening fortune-cookie pronouncement. Landel had probably left a stack of them in the office. When in doubt, pretend to know more than your opponent. Lucky Numbers: 32 4 7 13.It clattered off the force field and slid downwards, just as Scott did the same thing. "Looks like they got tired of cleaning shit off the field." He put out a hand and touched the shield. He'd heard about the one Landel had used. Same thing, most likely, and Aguilar would have the best on on his private box ( ... )
He tore away from S.T. and back over to the edge of the seating again, fists clenched in frustration while he tried to process what was going on. There was something faintly insulting about the way the pretzel just bounced off of the side of Aguilar's force field without even being registered, but he wasn't about to try and talk to the man. Not when he was still too angry to string together a coherent sentence.
And would only get more so. "That slagger," he snarled, disbelieving. His fists clenched all the ( ... )
[ducking over to here and back, see gdocs]
“Sorry, man. Was all I could think of.” He whispered that to D.C., though if General Sadist had inherited the Head Bastard’s voyeurism kick along with the basement abattoir, there were probably pickups under the seats. “If you think of anything else, count me in.”
“Oh, poor baby,” Depth Charge snapped venomously before turning sharply back to S.T., back to the general for what was probably his own good- the longer he looked, the more frustrated he’d get, he knew it. And more frustration was just about the last thing he needed right now; trapped between the patent futility of the situation and the tight pen of seats he already felt as though he were on the brink of an overload, with only so much that bleating the same stupid demand that something able to cool him off anymore ( ... )
"Hey, asshole. Least you could do is give me a hand up." He struggled to his feet before D.C. could possibly take the comment seriously. "I don't think they're looking for a one-man show."
He cupped his hand around his mouth and shouted again. It wasn't going to do anything the first batch hadn't (except double the odds of Aguilar offing them like everyone wanted to do to the guy whose pager had just gone off in the front row, world-class brain surgeon or not). "You got your volunteers right here. He's just a fucking kid."
So it went against every instinct he had. Depth Charge was still impressed. "Idiot," was just about what he managed to mutter, along with a firm shove to the shoulder that nonetheless could have been a lot harder. "You wouldn't last five minutes against Waspinator, never mind me." But it wasn't a no, or a don't even think about it; he wouldn't patronise the guy by acting like he didn't know what he was doing ( ... )
"Hey, man, no need to insult me first," S.T. said, under his breath. Gallows humor, but it got him thinking. If that harpoon had been Depth Charge's tail, how much damage could he do in his original form? Would he even fit in the stands? Was this going to be more Terminator or Godzilla vs. Bambi?
Then he raised his voice. "Naah, the jackass isn't going to do shit about it. Too afraid to let someone with more power than some hyperactive rubber bands who can't even shoot himself loose down there."
A glance back down to the arena- no, no one was dead yet. Good. That meant they had time to figure something out, assuming there was anything to be figured out in the first place. He took a few steps by the seating, searching whatever floor space they had left for a hatch or something, but his efforts turned up nothing.
Even without any results, though, having something to focus on was doing wonders for his temper. He flashed S.T. a pensive look, brow knit. "So no getting through the floor. Think we could get over the sides?" Now there was a mood killer. Even he knew enough about humans to know you wouldn't survive a drop like that without earning a shedload of seriously broken bones. But that was the point, wasn't it?
Things were getting desperate. He wasn't a fucking action hero, recent events notwithstanding. Science and a little eco-friendly trespassing, where death was dealt in slow motion and holding back the tides by bailing out the basement with a recycled bleach can might work. Shit, when Star Trek flashbacks were the best he could do, they were all toast. Besides, there was no way in Hell Aguilar was letting him down there no matter what story he spun, and faking death only worked on TV because the cameras looked away.
"Air is getting through. Give me a hand." He held one hand out and leaned out from the edge. His other hand stuck out, hunting for the affront against physics to make itself obvious.
The pretzels dissolved almost instantly. After everything he'd seen and shouldered in his life he'd never figured that seeing food frazzle out like that would end up as a serious contender for the biggest kick in the mainframe ever, but here he was, feeling sicker by the second. He hadn't thrown up when Forte had died and he wouldn't now, he refused to, but at least he'd had the chance to do something then.
No, stupid thought, he could do something now. They could. There were four of them up here, not counting Mr. Ringmaster in the middle, they'd figure something out. Keeping swallowing it, DC, keep swallowing it. Funny how you're only a pessimist when it suits you, huh? "Got it. I'll give you a leg-up ( ... )
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