from here]For as direct as they were being, Riku understood how much of this section of Landel's remained unexplored. They were so focused on acquiring the drug that it hadn't occurred to them to stop-or, if it had, it was a thought stopped by his frustration with his partner for the night. To think he pushed off some old man because he thought he
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There was no sign of Rapunzel or Tsubaki here, but Soma figured she had been here too long to be surprised. Of course not. That would have been too easy.
What was here, though, was an impressive assortment of pills, syringes, and vials, laid out for the taking. Soma glanced at Utena, unable to hide her growing curiosity.
"These must be the drugs Aguilar mentioned."
But there were still the drugs, which were... Well, she still wasn't sure what to think about those. Again, she already had a weapon. But weapons were rare things in the Institute. Maybe it was worth it to get one for someone else? The more people armed the better, right-
She shook her head. What was she thinking?! She wasn't going to take some crazy-looking concoction just because Aguilar said it would be okay! ...Probably? God, she wasn't sure, actually.
"You recognize any of these?" she asked, wondering if maybe Soma knew anything more about drugs than she did.
The idea of a pin didn't hold much appeal to her--not when she didn't particularly mind the pink gruel, and her escort was already far more tolerable to her than her nurse had ever been. But perhaps if there was ammunition available as reward...
...No. Why would she inject herself with a foreign substance or take some unidentifiable pills just for the sake of a few more bullets? Hadn't this place already done enough to her?
She glanced at Utena, frowning a little. "What do you think?"
In the end, she made the easiest decision for the moment: not deciding. "I think we should go look around a few more places for people first, and then come back here later. I'm not leaving this place without making sure Himemiya's not here. This can wait," she told Soma, moving away from the table and gesturing for the Infirmary door. Here was hoping the answer came to them while they were searching, she thought.
[To here]
Utena set her box down by the door. The table was still there, though a few more of the drugs looked like they had been moved in the time since they had checked it last. There hadn't been any cries of pain so far, at least none that Utena or Soma had been able to hear from further up the hall. No people passed out next to the table, either. Those were good signs, she supposed?
"Fancy seeing this place again so soon, huh?" she half-joked quietly as they approached the cornucopia of drugs.
But she brushed those thoughts away with an effort. It had never been in her nature to second-guess herself, and now that she'd made up her mind...
"It seems like Aguilar knows us better than Landel did." She put down her own box of supplies, selected a vial, and uncapped it, carefully shaking out the pills into her hand. If she was going to ingest an experimental drug, she'd prefer to do it with a minimum of fuss. "Ready?"
"Ready," she answered then, turning back to Soma and giving her a decisive nod. No turning back now.
She was silent for a moment as she set the bottle down, then reconsidered and tucked the bottle into her pocket. Even if there weren't any discernible effects as a result of taking the drug, there were some people here who might be able to identify it, given time. She couldn't deny she wanted to learn more about what was happening here.
She just hoped Allelujah never got wind of this. She'd never hear the end of it then.
She watched Soma pocket her pill bottle; Utena was tempted to do the same, but ultimately refrained. It was bad enough that she'd had to swallow the damn thing. Carrying the whole bottle around, even in her box, would just feel like an extension of the wrongness going on here. Besides, she had enough stuff to take back to the medical types for tomorrow night anyway.
"I don't feel anything yet," said Utena after a little while, putting a hand to the back of her neck. "Maybe it was a dud." She smirked a little. "Heh, wouldn't that be great luck? All that worry, and it might've been for nothing anyway."
She had to agree with Utena, though--in this case, nothing was better than the list of potential alternatives her brain immediately supplied. She smiled again, tentatively. "It would be nice to get a weapon for nothing, too."
Well, there wasn't much point in waiting around if nothing was going to happen. Straightening slightly, she headed for the door, glancing back at Utena. "We might as well pick up where we left off, then. There are a lot of rooms here we haven't explored."
There was an uneasy stirring in the back of her mind. Soma pushed the other girl's thoughts away with a flash of irritation. Marie always worried too much, anyway.
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