...oh, this old trick. It was such an obvious trap, but Niikura couldn't help but be intrigued. So far, he'd been able to handle most of the things that got thrown at him here (aside from all the barfing, seriously), so maybe, if he did this right, he could work the system to his advantage. It'd be pretty appropriate, using the Institute's own games to inch closer and closer to doing them all in...still probably an unpopular opinion around here, but he could keep it between just himself and Mike if he wanted.
Speaking of Mike, about time he went and woke up the guy. Last night had totally sucked because of all the waiting, but this time, there weren't any lawyers to hold him up. It would be just him and Mike getting stuff done like they were supposed to that one night that he was supposed to have forgotten by now. Yeah, this would work, and it'd probably put him in a better mood too: he'd spent an embarrassing amount of time today being a melodramatic teenager in front of Katsuragi and then Ippo. Sheesh. Totally out of character.
Niikura wrenched the closet open and smiled in satisfaction as he tossed the military uniform on the bed. As bad as it was to have to wear that stuff, it was much better than the smiley face shirt and sweat pants. He changed and then gathered up the rest of his things, stuffing some pens again into a pocket and giving his flashlight a twirl before stepping outside into the hallway. Mike was in M83: that wasn't too far from here, actually. Nice, easy walk, then.