here.]The room was mainly empty when Michael reached it, which was fine by him. It wasn't that he didn't feel sympathy for the other patients, but he also didn't know if it would be helpful for him to talk to them. The staff seemed to think that forming bonds amongst themselves would lead to recovery, but to him it felt more like they would
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There were quite a few people in the Sun Room - a few people that he knew, but for the most part many that he didn't, which seemed to be the way of things more recently - but that didn't stop Kratos from finding an empty couch and proceeding to take up the full length of it. No thoughts of inconvenience crossed his mind; if someone wanted to sit, they could wake him up, and he would graciously oblige them and move over. Then, he would find an equally comfortable position - if possible, of course - and resume sleeping.
It sounded like a reasonable, plausible scenario in his mind, so he settled a little further into the sofa, stretched out his long legs, laced his fingers loosely on his chest, and closed his eyes.
It was, Kratos reflected shortly before dozing off, a good thing he was S Class.
[don't take offense, Natalia]
Forward, ever forward. Not dragged down by things of little overall consequence, such as: how long had it been since she'd been able to apply proper skin and hair treatments? Careful attention each morning, before a bathroom mirror, to ascertain that she looked presentable as best she could, had at least assured she that she didn't look an outright mess. As wonderful as it was to shower, on leaving the humid room she couldn't help but wrestle with the pang of wanting more. A thought spared for the coupons for certain services in town. No, she mustn't waste time on such (vital!) things.
As if such a thing mattered. Stopping first at the library for a book (The Little Princess, she couldn't-- help herself), then at the Bulletin Board, Natalia scanned the room for a place to sit. It would be nice to speak with someone (strangely, surely improbably, it felt as if it had been--), yet most seemed occupied, and she hadn't quite mustered the drive to push herself into an already begun conversation. And the ( ... )
"What-" she began in an indignant, confused gasp, eyes wild and darting down toward him, "What are you- unhand-"
Then, with neither precursor nor warning, he let go. Instinct had her scrambling back (with as much dignity as she could muster), snatching up the book and hugging it to her chest as she hastily got off the couch, standing upright, fingers moving swiftly over her uniform to ensure everything was in place. Frown included. Doubtless it had been upsetting to be woken in such a disagreeable manner, but that had been quite unnecessary. It did, however, suggest the reflexes of a ( ... )
As consequence, what began as a smile soon shifted into a linear, discontent expression.
By the time he turned, it was all she could do not to bristle. Unintentionally mirroring his posture, her arms crossed as well (if a bit awkwardly with the book) as she glowered up at him, gaze as direct, unflinching.
"My, was that tone really necessary? I suppose you are the type who cares so little for those around you and the ( ... )
Natalia fully intended to allow him his departure, with whatever dignity he could still muster. Yet --
yet, that curiosity. Head tilting with it, she stepped forward, only once.
"Why...? Forgive me, it may not be my place, but where do you intend to go?" It wasn't as though there were so many options. Then- she smiled, almost laughing, the mirth in her voice as she echoed- "'I have no need of it now'? Sir, it's a sofa. One I 'had no need of'; it was by accident that I fell onto it." And him.
"Do stop being so ridiculous and ( ... )
"You may continue to contemplate my reasons, my excuses, or whatever you prefer to call them" And now there was sharper bite to his voice: this fiasco had begun messily; he might as well let it end in the same way. "but I believe my position is clear."
He couldn't go far, but Kratos was willing to settle for the other side of the room, even though she would probably follow him and continue...talking at him. They always followed, even when he insisted that he be left alone in the vaguest way he could without expressly saying the words or flat out telling them to go away, although he had certainly directed that sentiment upon Anna a few times.
...ah, of course she needed to be dragged into this as well. Inescapable as usual.
Natalia was not a particularly intuitive person, yet something about this man struck her as... rather sad.
His retort, succinct, thorough, and cold, kept her quiet and staring at his back as he walked away. It was true, it was, that she had and did intend to permit him his departure. For that reason, she too turned, settling into the couch with a measure of guilt, as if she actually had deliberately forced him from it. Sitting straighter than one, perhaps, ought to on a couch, she opened the selected book and began to read ( ... )
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