here.]The room was mainly empty when Michael reached it, which was fine by him. It wasn't that he didn't feel sympathy for the other patients, but he also didn't know if it would be helpful for him to talk to them. The staff seemed to think that forming bonds amongst themselves would lead to recovery, but to him it felt more like they would
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Relieved when he changed the subject, Rose laughed softly, looking sheepish. "That would probably be smart, wouldn't it? I'll have to find something a little less necessary to beat things with. I'm not used to having to rely on weapons. This'll be a bit of a switch."
There was something interesting in what Rose said, though, and this time it wasn't as easy to ignore. Seeing how she was the one who had alluded to it, Zack figured that it was fair to ask. "What do you usually rely on, then?" If not weapons, then what? Agility? Brute strength? Just judging from Rose's appearance, he'd bet on the former, but it really was impossible to tell.
"I've never had to worry about training with weapons, to be honest. I tend to fall back on whatever's around and handy, when I've needed it."
Rose's answer had also made it clear that she wasn't used to fighting monsters, just humans. In what context? That might be prying a bit too much, though. "Believe me, I know what you mean," he said, expelling a breath that was half-laugh, half-sigh ( ... )
Which basically meant break something. Rose could handle that. She'd just have to figure out what. But she'd have to find something before venturing out tonight, just in case. If she came across something like what Zack had turned into last night, she wanted something bigger than her damned flashlight to fend the thing off. No way was she letting one of those get that close to her.
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