The Head Bastard was pissed off. That was nice. Made him more dangerous, but it was less dull than listening to military drones whine overhead.
S.T. looked at his kit again. Pipe, spray bottle, flashlight, radio, painkillers. Ring in the change pocket of his jeans. No beer. It had gotten fizzy but wasn't yet at an alcohol level worth drinking something that tasted like stale bread.
He looked at the newest addition. Additions, if you counted the clean copy of Notes from a Torture Chamber or whatever a pretentious French ex-cop would call it, but there wasn't any point in carting that along. He slipped the watch into his pocket, too.
He had no idea what the fuck they'd be walking into tonight. Pop quiz or cage match? They'd had two of the second one, so they were due for another brainiac mission, if Landel was feeling predictable. There hadn't been any scuttlebutt on the board. Censorship, either physical or brain-hacking, or no one had made it back alive. All very reassuring options.
He picked up his gear. Nice of Aguilar to leave the belts behind. Real leather did better than twisted duct tape.