Unlike nights previous, Sasuke was prepared to go well before the doors unlocked. Too much time spent in the hazy grip of the Institute's sleep had taught him not to take consciousness itself for granted; his roommate was sleeping when the doctor's nighttime persona crackled through the building, as if to prove the point. It had been days since they had spoken, less out of deliberate avoidance on Sasuke's part and more from the control Landel had over their very waking hours.
The boy had been here a long time, he'd claimed: perhaps it would prove useful to ask what he had observed, however irritating his attitude.
For tonight, however, Sasuke opened and closed the door, silent out of habit more than consideration. The latch slid home on the noise of Martin Landel's voice gloating and then sulking through names meaningful in presence and absence.
The boy had been here a long time, he'd claimed: perhaps it would prove useful to ask what he had observed, however irritating his attitude.
For tonight, however, Sasuke opened and closed the door, silent out of habit more than consideration. The latch slid home on the noise of Martin Landel's voice gloating and then sulking through names meaningful in presence and absence.
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