The main balcony was an extremely hard place to defend -- big glass windows, looking out onto stars that twinkled through the atmosphere, the often-occupied room below, and the doors that were locked to patients -- or locked to most patients, as the case might be -- but not to the staff that lurked behind them
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In the still of darkness, the monkey boy stopped to listen. His sense of hearing wasn't as good as his smell these days, but it couldn't hurt employ a few more senses for this crucial job! Nothing stirred him, but he knew it was best to keep on guard.
The second floor hallway was quiet when Yomi emerged from the stairwell, the light from her flashlight revealing nothing untoward. She turned right, where she knew the balcony would be, and headed down the corridor in that direction. If no one had gotten there ahead of her, this would be the best spot to keep watch for History Club members.
But it was only a few moments before her senses pinged, alerting her to the fact that something or someone was in the area. Soon enough she saw the pudgy little figure standing in the way--not a spectre, clearly.
“Hello,” Yomi called in a sing-song fashion. “Who goes there?”
"That's my line! Who are you?" Goku asked, a wary scowl scrunching his chubby face. "I'm supposed ta keep an eye out around this place." He came close, circling the person like a cranky vulture.
"So? What is it? Are you a person or a monster?!"
Who would’ve thought they’d still have to deal with children in this kind of place? But the Institute surprised that way.
“With just an eye, or are you going to give me a poke with that staff of yours, too?” Yomi wondered, following him with her gaze. As far as threats went, he was a small one, hardly the worst gatekeeper she’d come across in the hospital. “Can’t I be both? I’m shaped like a person, but being a monster would be more exciting, I think.”
No doubt about it, that was Kay. His little girl, looking like an angel descended from heaven. He couldn't see her anymore, but he was damn sure she'd been there, and even more sure she'd gone into that chapel!
He was so determined to get to her that he didn't consider the possibility that this could be merely a vision - or even worse, another cruel trap from the Institute. All he cared about was Kay, wondering why she was here again, why she looked like she did (and why she looked like a young girl again instead of a teenager), if this appearance was possibly due to her being d---no, never!! She was obviously alive if she just walked through here, wasn't she?! Of course!
Whatever the reasons, he'd find out now. Byrne kept running through the hallways and got to the chapel in no time.
[Still running into here.]
As for their previous topic, Mikado proved he had some additions for the Melodist to mull over. 'Magic' wasn't a regular term in Auldrant, but from the way it had been phrased, she opted to assume it held the same weight as their fonic artes and the science of fonons. Despite the subject matter, her answer came surprisingly easy.
"It may be different ways of doing things," she said. "Or making use of resources that are there. I would imagine Auldrant would have been a great deal like Earth if we had access to the same resources. The same could be said of the person you spoke to." A pause. "It's something to consider, I think."
It was something he needed to hold off on deciding. He didn't have enough information, and therefore, could not make any choices regarding it. He gave a small nod to her. "...Right."
[to here]
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