Nightshift 25: 2F hallway between outdoor patio and morgue

Jul 16, 2007 14:21

[from here]

Xemnas found himself in yet another hallway, still quite fortunate he hadn't ran into any carnivorous creatures thus far. After passing a few locked doors, he eventually reached the end of the hall as he was greeted by the sight of yet another door.

His hand reached out to the doorknob, attempting to open it only to discover the door was locked. But it appeared the lock was weak, weak enough to be broken by the appropriate amount of force at least. However, such actions would certainly produce the necessary amount of noise, possibly attracting the various abominations lurking within the darkness. Yet, he supposed it was a risk he'd needed to take if he wanted to discover what lay hidden beyond this door. A lock pick suddenly seemed a necessary item, at least it would be a more subtle and especially more silent method.

Not having much choice at this very moment, the Nobody continuously slammed his shoulder into the door. Eventually, the lock gave in as the door slammed open, the amount of noise most likely enough to alert anything that waited in the area beyond.

Which proved to be another hallway.

[To here]

larxene, xemnas, aya, balthier, yohji

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