Nightshift 34: M11 - M20 Hallway

Aug 14, 2008 09:22

Drawing himself up and out of bed, Hohenheim gathered up his supplies for the evening and fixed his glasses back upon his nose. He flicked on his flashlight and looked around the room. He slipped the radio into his pocket in hopes of hearing some good information, but he was expecting a bit of a busy night if all of his theories came true. He was looking forward to one aspect but not the other.

Ah well. He couldn't have everything go his way. He needed to get moving in order to make good use of the night. He really needed to explore this place as well, but he could do that if there were no good books in the library.

Heading out into the hallway, he set off.

[To Here]

von karma, kenren, shito, yuber, axel, homura, dias, yohji, gumshoe, frey, ashton, claude, yue, luxord, itachi, javert, hohenheim, kratos

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