Jan 28, 2010 05:31
Second day on the job. Whoop-dee-freakin' doo.
From the looks Venkman had taken at today's files, it seemed like everyone was trying to out-crazy his first-day patients. A paranoid space case who had taken the detective fantasy to a level that would make Jimmy Doyle look like Nancy Drew in diapers. An Andre the Giant wannabe who thought he was a killer robot searching for a bigger, badder killer robot. A guy with a pointy-eared birth defect and unfortunate eyebrows, which apparently gave him license to go full-on Martian space ranger. Oh yeah. Just another fun-filled day at Landel's Institute.
Sherlock Paranoia and Robby the Robot were up first, both in the same shift. They were both going to have to go quick in order to fit the time constraints, and Venkman wasn't going to complain about that one bit. He'd be getting paid the same amount to do half the work on two patients. That wasn't so bad, at least. He had just the perfect way to get this done, too.
Rummaging in his bottom desk drawer, he started hauling out a piece of equipment - a shock machine that had become near and dear to him over the course of his research days at Columbia. It had served him well during several experiments, many of them of dubious quality but immense entertainment value. Babe, never leave me, he thought at the machine with a short chuckle, untangling all the little wires and starting to plug it in behind his desk.