You weren't so quick to gloat last night, asshole, Mello silently retorted as he listened to the announcement. He was in more of a hurry tonight than last, wanting to meet up with Teresa and get what they could from the doctor's computer, and still have time left over to get outside. He grabbed the pipe from its hiding place and pulled on his boots and coat, wondering, not for the first time, what percentage of the shit in the intercom announcements was designed for the sole purpose of fucking with the 'patients.' Was the doctor reading from a script written to dangle the possibility of someone else trying to defeat him? The infuriating thing was that even if there were a possibility it was all a setup, as long as it wasn't a certainty, Mello had to proceed as if there were something to it. He was still suspicious of the obviousness of the mention of the radio station, though, and in a hurry to boot, and decided the ability to swing the pipe freely outweighed the dubious possible usefulness of carting the radio around.
He hefted the pipe, grinning at the feel of its weight, and headed out of the room.