Elaine had tried asking a few more questions of the nurse on the way to wherever it was they were going, but didn't get much further than she had back in the bedroom. Why was she a patient here? Because she was sick and needed to get better. What was she sick with? Best to let the doctors worry about the technical things, dear. Could she speak to these doctors? It was their day off today. Where were all the other patients? Most of them were out on a field trip. A field trip to where? "Miss Turner" would apparently find out next week, so it wouldn't do to ruin the surprise now. Was there anything she could say or hand over that would get her more answers? What do you think this is, Miss Turner, some kind of puzzle? Relax! Enjoy yourself!
By the time they reached the so-called "Game Room," Elaine was supremely frustrated and at her wits' end with the nurse, and insisted on being left to "discover" some fun on her own. Thankfully, this did indeed make the nurse go away. Oh, she didn't leave the room, but she did stand to the opposite side of it, at least, giving Elaine some space. The nurse had mentioned earlier that there were other new "patients" still in the building, but so far, it looked like she was the first one here. Fine, she could work with that. She could find her own clues without having to ask anyone else, especially if the other people in this building were as helpful as the one she had met thus far.
Her investigation started over at the game shelf. She took care to appear as though she were simply trying to select a game, but really, just reading some of the names on the sides of the boxes was enough to give her some tidbits of information. Of course, there were standards like chess, checkers, and Snakes & Ladders present, as well as several various decks of playing cards (thankfully, no Monkey Island™ Official Trading Cards; what had she been thinking, licensing her image to that thing?). Most of the others, however, such as Candyland, Sorry!, Trouble, Monopoly, Life, and Risk, she did not recognize. Pulling the Trouble box off the shelf, she found it brightly coloured and slickly designed, with a high quality, (gasp!) non-sepia-toned photograph of a child's finger pressing down a clear bubble on the front cover. Again, like the bedroom, the hallways, and the lighting around her, this game looked considerably more polished and advanced than most things she had seen in the Caribbean. Wherever she was, the people running it were likely on the cutting edge of technology and probably rolling in pieces of eight.
She took the game over to one of the mahogany tables in the middle of the room, settling down into a delightfully comfy chair. "If this is a curse, it's probably the nicest one I've ever been under," she murmured to herself in bewilderment, pulling the lid off the box.
[Closed to Morgan.]