here.]Upon stepping through the door, Zack had suddenly felt kind of dizzy, almost like the floor was falling out on him. He didn't know what that was about, but he didn't even get the chance to try and come up with a reason for it, since the next thing he knew he was being overwhelmed by a whole new set of sensations. First of all, he was
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The rollicking, rickety jerks and judders were easily enough to send Yuffie stumbling, careening off to the side. She compensated automatically, pushing herself into a clumy, off-balance movement that was half a roll and half a handspring. It righted her, but it didn't steady her, not until the fingers of both hands closed convulsively against a familiar metal railing.
That was when it clicked. That was when she realized why she was so damn off-balance, not just because oh Leviathan she was on an airship, she was on the Highwind-but also because her hands were empty. Both of them. Her shuriken was familiar weight on her back, and her clothes-she hadn't worn these clothes since that time, since that night, and she hadn't felt like this since then, either. Yuffie might not have ( ... )
Unless it was some kind of illusion, like the tricks Sephiroth had played back during the Jenova War. The young ninja shuddered, spooked enough to stand, still and stiff, for one long moment. She hated illusions. Hated having her perceptions messed with. It… It didn't scare her, not exactly; not in any sense that left her an incapacitated wreck, but gawd, it sucked!
Zack was moving now, yelling out into the village. His voice echoed, piercing enough that somebody should have heard and come out to investigate. When nobody did, Yuffie snapped back into action. She aimed a cocky, confident 'we can deal with this!' grin up at Cloud before dashing for the water tank in the center of town. It barely took a second to scale, and while the view was capped by the tops of the buildings and the outer walls, it made for a handy vantage point ( ... )
"It's just like everyone vanished, huh? Do you think Landel had anything to do with it?" And were they really back at all? It felt like they were. Cloud could practically feel the lifestream - not on nearly the same level as Aerith, of course, but this was his world, and not the world the Institute belonged in. So what had happened?
He sighed. What did he want to do? "I say we do one more sweep of the town. I doubt we'll find anything, but it cant hurt to check all the buildings just to make sure. Yuffie, do you remember where Marlene and Elmyra were staying? If you ( ... )
What was a Tonberry doing way out here?! They usually hung out down in the crater, except for the bunch they had tucked away in Battle Square. Yuffie stared at it. Just. Stared. She'd never, ever seen one this far south, in so populated an area. "This is crazy," she said. "This? Is totally, totally crazy."
It was staring right back at them, or so Yuffie thought. Beady golden eyes all fixed and judging and geez, this was the last thing they needed! Martin Landel was a son of a bitch. A real, huge, massive, undeniable and incurable son. Of. A. Bitch ( ... )
What a dumbass! Why couldn't he have stopped to think, hey, there's a chick here who uses a great big shuriken; might not be a good idea to practically sit on the target? Yes? No?
Ugh. SOLDIERs were the definition of bull-headed enthusiasm. Um, that was-some of them. A bunch. Tons, actually, since, hey; they were hopped up on soul juice and dead alien, so why the hell not? It pissed Yuffie off, always had and probably always would. She indulged herself with a roll of the eyes and a stormy expression, before quickly changing gears. Bitch later, kill stuff now. She'd just have to work around Mr. Bigshot over there.
Yuffie wasn't gonna waste any time; the quicker they got this over with, the quicker they could start figuring out what was going on. The shuriken was off her back and slicing through the air within seconds, carving a wide arc around Zack and the Tonberry. She was aiming to give Zack a little bit of a hand, knock the Tonberry forward from behind, and-yes! There ( ... )
Yuffie's attack had made for the perfect opening to slash at the thing again again, but before Zack could do that, Cloud swept in with a pretty impressive assault of his own. Zack paused for a moment (this was a Tonberry, after all -- he wasn't too worried about the thing's agility) to send his friend a wide, cocky grin. "All right!" he exclaimed. "You've totally got it now." It really made him glad to see how far Cloud had come, and Zack found himself further exhilarated by having this chance to fight alongside the other man. With all of their mako-induced strength untouched, at that ( ... )
The real problem with Tonberries was that they didn't have to get right up close to hurt you. Kill you, yeah; that big ol' butcher knife didn't exactly have a whole lot of range, and hell if she'd ever seen one of them actually throw something.
When Tonberries went to hurt someone-
Yuffie caught the shuriken on the backswing, even as she ran up to join her teammates. She dodged around to the other side, skidding to a stop when she'd found a space. But it was too late.
Before she had a chance the lash out and finish it, the Tonberry, injured and angry, was already unleashing its attack. There was a nickname that went with it, and lore; about how Everybody's Grudge was a person's choices coming ( ... )
The blond didn't take the time to glance at his wrist to double-check. There wasn't really time to do anything but take the matter on faith. There should have been a mastered lightning materia there, and while a summoning spell might have been the better answer, he wanted something that was guaranteed to hit quickly. Simple was better when you weren't certain that world mechanics were still going to work as they should.
"Heads up!" was about all the warning he gave Zack before the high-level Thunder spell connected. It shouldn't do the other man any harm, but it wouldn't hurt to stay back from an electrical charge that strong. They were trying to keep the other ex-SOLDIER from harm, anyway.
The Tonberry wasn't so lucky.
Lantern and the knife still clutched tight in its hands, it finally went down for the dirt nap. Serves it right, too! Yuffie thought. She didn't care that it was stuck all the way out here, far away from its home; it'd attacked them. Monsters were monsters. Vicious, and nine times outta ten, just asking for a major butt-kicking.
Yuffie planted a hand-the one not occupied by a giant shuriken-on her hip. "So much for that," she said, not even out of breath. So much for exercise. So much for a toughie. In a way, it was almost disappointing. Except, oh yeah, the thing'd got Zack. Oops. Yuffie looked around at the guy quickly. SOLDIER or not, an attack from a Tonberry had to hurt. "You're not gonna curl up and cry on us, are ya?" she asked, blasé but without bite. If it ( ... )
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