Scott couldn't tell if they were back at the Institute or not right away. It seemed like they were, what with the lack of windows and the same tiled floor as everywhere else, but under the beam of his flashlight, everything looked so brightly coloured. The only other place that had this much colour in the Institute was the Arts & Crafts Room, and that place hadn't had so many bright yellow lockers. In the end, he nodded to himself; the Institute was a safe bet.
He sighed shortly. Even if they were safe from zombies now, his mind was still on the shelves full of games they had just left behind. So what if he wouldn't have anything to play them on here? The box art alone on some of the titles might have been enough to keep his interest. "I could be hook-shot-ing my way to killing Hitler right now, but nooooooo, I get to play Landel's Crazy Castle 5 instead..." Scott mumbled to himself in disappointment.