Dinner with Bella had been not only informative, as far as catching up went, but relaxing. In fact, most of the second half of her day, save for the awkward group showers, had been pretty relaxing, which was good, considering how much stress was being put on what she and Peter were planning on accomplishing during the course of the night.
Claire was rather grim, thinking forward to what they'd planned. She wasn't sure she wanted to see what was going on in those experimentation rooms -- sometimes, ignorance was bliss. But, she knew she'd rather know than get driven mad wondering, letting it be this looming, unknown evil that acted to intimidate. Besides. They'd be able to help those who came stumbling out the doors, ideally and she'd have Peter there. If things got too bad, at least she'd have that support system.
With a final goodbye to her roommate, she grabbed her bat, her flashlight and the map and headed out the door of their room. The hallway was painfully empty and silent as the grave. Spooky.
Luckily, getting to the stairs wouldn't be much further than she'd gone on her own the previous night. She could only hope that no one worse than Elle jumped her on the way there. One eye in front of her, the other skimming the map that she was holding awkwardly between her fingers so she could still keep her bat readied in her hand, she proceeded down the dark hallway, flashlight casually scanning the darkness ahead of her.
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