By the time Sechs had reached the center hall which opened up to the space that overlooked the sun room bellow, he was still feeling a bit winded from his inner battle with his living dark psyche. He hadn't expected his energy to be drained like that! It had taken more than just mental concentration to push his unwanted passenger out of his awareness; it seemed to have strained his physical body in the process as well. His fight wasn't as effective as Kibitoshin's ki energy, but it was still enough to ease the worst of the drug's side-effects for the time being. Not to mention, his little personal victory made Sechs a tad too cocky for his own good...
"Where the HELL are you Alita?!" Sechs barked as he strolled down the hall, his big boots thundering against the floor as he marched through the shadows, "If you're really here, I'm gonna find ya! I've hunted you down before, Alita! I can do it again!"
According to the copies he made of the institute maps, there was another section of the second floor that had been left unmarked. In the southern center of the building, right across the balcony that overlooked the first floor, was a central unmarked room with a sturdy-looking door, a pretty important-looking one too if you'd ask Sechs! Maybe the door led to a storage room containing the stolen bodies and possessions of the institute's prisoners? Or perhaps a way to the third floor and possibly even Landel himself?
"And how 'bout you, you sick, slimy excuse for a doctor?!" the Replica went on, not bothering to lower his voice. He couldn't help but grin viciously in spite of himself and the dangerous situation at hand, "That stupid drug of yours isn't working as well as you thought it would! Well, tough! I'm NO ONE'S rat!"
The Replica stopped before the center door. No knobs or any panels to open it could be seen. Oh well. Sechs had his axe and a giant boost to his confidence to give it a shot. He had all night.
"Either way!" he growled, a hunger for destruction flashing in his amber eyes, "I'm gonna find somebody I want tonight! Nothing can stop me!"
Leaving his flashlight switched on, Sechs stuffed it into his pocket, allowing the bright head to stick out and illuminate some of the Replica's surroundings. With both hands free, Sechs gripped his double bit axe, lifted it over his shoulder, and then swung it against the door.
Ah! Solving his problems with nothing but destructive brute force, just the way Sechs liked it!