The door clicked softly behind Edgar as he entered the cafeteria, barring him from anything that could have been following him through the Sun Room. He'd quickened his pace as he neared the center of the room, hearing the distinct sounds of combat from the balcony above the room- from his position below, he had made out the forms of two figures. The first carried a light- presumably a patient- while the other lumbered heavily after him, his form visible only for a moment when crossing into the light of the first figure.
The monsters were out, already making their moves against the patients. At least the victim on the balcony appeared to be fighting back. With no viable way to help him, Edgar had decided it was best to continue toward the courtyard.
Even without the light, Edgar knew the layout of the room: tables in the center, doors on either side wall. He headed toward the western door, sidestepping the rows of tables with careful steps, listening for any sign of movement.
It couldn't be as easy as simply reaching the door- it was locked. It wasn't a surprise, but it was an obstacle: he'd have to break the lock to get outside, creating both a racket and a reason to draw attention from anything waiting in the dark. Well, there was no turning back now. Better to risk it than to have traveled through a known danger zone just to head back with his tail between his legs. Wasting half the night wasn't his style.
Feeling the door, he found the lock- a little too sturdy to open with his flashlight, but his shovel would do the trick.