~*Romeo wrote: A proxy, in its most general form, is a class functioning as an interface to another thing. The other thing could be anything: a network connection, a large object in memory, a file, or some other resource that is expensive or impossible to duplicate.
dissected.voice wrote: I have no idea what I will be doing in a year and that scares me.
:.mazohyst.: wrote: what's the point of painting a picture perfect portrait when all it does is to hide away the rotten canvas?
xX_Charisma_Xx wrote: "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need." ^^
dontlikebugs wrote: So I went in today just to get a vaccine (urgh).
Mitsuko wrote: when we kissed before we had met, we forgot and just went swimming at night.
and_old_lace wrote: What if I made a post about heartbreak tonight?
innocentregrets wrote: So I dumped my coffee on my lap to punish the gay out of me and gave my self 2nd degree burns in the process. The pain was immense, so I downed half a bottle of Tylenol threes.
I suddenly hated mys lef more because now I'm addicted to pills!
fogwanderer wrote: How do you tell if a person is a friend or a frenamie ?
xX_Charisma_Xx wrote: I want to drink Love like fresh squeezed apple juice and then lick
the foam from the sides of the glass. When I first find Love, I will hold it delicately in my cupped hands like a baby bird. I want Love to plant an alien embryo of emotion inside me where i will unwittingly host it until it bursts from my torso in all its glory..immediately thereafter, we will dance a tango. I want Love to paint my tiny toenails with precise surgeon hands and not care that they're short.
candyandcoffee wrote:ll i could do is offer my blood, a refresher, a sacrafice made in certain vain..
~*Romeo wrote: I can't ignore the unfairness of this world. I can't ignore its evil. I cannot ignore any of it. This world sucks. It must end. I receive no happiness from it, and thus I shall use all of my power, intelligence and creativity to end it. Because I am unhappy. Because I am unhappy with how the things are. I am unhappy that I live a virtuous and altruistic life and get no reward from this world. My life is not broken. The world is.
invertedxforest wrote:My Ghosts Are Gaining On Me..
caramel_caramel wrote: CONNECTIONS. CONNECTIONS.
dark_alone wrote:
Genesis wrote: Sodium blows up if you mix it with water. This is true.