You know, I've just noticed I've only just started using 'Pixie' in apps instead of 'Lii', even though that's what most online people have called me for months. :\
Your name/crazy internet handle/whatever: Pixie
Personal journal:
Characters played (if applicable): N/A
Character name: Ianto Jones
Genre (TV/books/etc): TV
Fandom: Torchwood
Canon point: Post S4 Doctor Who
Programmed Possession: His stopwatch.
Ianto’s very, very much an average guy in this area. No special powers, but no deadly allergies either.
Abilities include;
-Making really good coffee.
-Able to use firearms and stun guns.
-Timing; Ianto is eerily good at showing up at just the right moment.
-He knows everything (well, not really, but he does have fairly eclectic knowledge).
-Ordering takeaways.
-Practised liar.
-Weevil hunting (both literally and metaphorically).
Most of his weaknesses fit into his psychology, and are listed there. I guess being of average strength and speed could count as a weakness, though.
A mild-mannered individual on the whole, Ianto usually appears to be calm, and fairly impassive. His personality is not a loud one, and he doesn’t tend to say much unless he’s spoken to directly, or feels he has something to contribute.
Though it is rare for Ianto to disobey orders, he is by no means a pushover. If he disagrees with something, he will make this clear. If he’s asked to do something he doesn’t want to, he will refuse. The same can be said of being told he can’t do something.
Despite not really being the sort of person to be overly affectionate in public, Ianto is not adverse to providing comfort to those he cares for. Whether it is merely his presence, talking, coffee, or reassurance, Ianto will offer comfort in whatever way he feels most appropriate.
One of Ianto’s biggest irritations is when he feels others don’t pay enough attention to him, or properly appreciate what he does. Especially in matters he feels are obvious, or important.
Ianto may initially appear to be slightly too serious (some may go so far as to say bordering anal), but he does possess a sharp sense of wit he isn't afraid of using. He has an unnatural love of coffee and stopwatches, and it’s not uncommon for him to bring up one or the other (or on occasionally both) in everyday conversations. Sarcasm and one-liners are among Ianto's strong points. He can deliver these along with a scathing glance, a teasing smirk, or in such seriousness one may have to think twice to realise it's there at all.
Ianto has an impeccable sense of timing, always managing to show up, or contribute to discussions at just the right moment. Whenever the rest of the team is starting to feel as though it’s time for a take out, or some of Ianto’s infamous coffee, he’ll be one step ahead; ready with whatever they were craving. Or at the very least, ready to take their orders.
One of Ianto’s most admirable traits is his loyalty. His loyalty to those he cares for is unconditional, regardless of the situation. He’ll do whatever he can to protect and help those he loves, even at the cost of his own life.
Whilst Ianto’s loyalty is certainly something to be admired, it is also his biggest downfall. When it comes to those he cares for, Ianto will take extreme measures to keep them safe. The only reason Ianto joined Torchwood Three to start with was so that he could save his girlfriend, who had been half converted into a Cyberman during the downfall of Torchwood One. He kept her in the basement for months, until her cyberman nature took over, and she attempted to use the Hub as a base for taking over Earth. Ianto’s refusal to give up on Lisa almost led to the deaths of the rest of his team, and put the entire world at risk.
Ianto's one of those people who seems to need to be needed. Without something or someone to dedicate himself to, Ianto feels he has no meaning. This is, perhaps, part of the reason Ianto has so much trouble accepting when he’s lost someone he’s previously felt loyalty towards.
Though Ianto maintains a calm composure most of the time, when under emotional duress, he struggles greatly. Despite this he has shown he is still capable of logical thought, and selfless actions under such circumstances, he has a tendency to panic. Unlike the rest of Torchwood Three, Ianto does not get a rush from being in dangerous situations. Whilst he will participate, and has shown interest in field missions, he has himself stated he doesn’t understand the others enjoyment when things start to get dangerous.
Ianto Jones was born 19th August 1983. Judging by various comments Ianto’s made; it’s highly likely he grew up in Cardiff. Very little is known about Ianto’s life before joining Torchwood Three, but he appears to have been very close to his father. His dad worked as a tailor, and according to Ianto he was highly skilled in his job. Ianto seems to have inherited ‘the family eye’ from him. It’s also likely his father’s profession has something to do with his fondness of suits (although Jack's compliments regarding Ianto's suits clearly had some contribution). Every Saturday Ianto would go to watch children’s films with him at the Electro, one of the few remaining old fashioned cinemas in Cardiff.
Ianto’s teen life seems to have being a fairly average one. He was an able student, though never an exceptional one. He housed the same rebellious streak all teenagers do, choosing to express his own through shoplifting. This habit was effectively kicked in the teeth after he was convicted for a minor shoplifting offence.
Ianto worked in various part time jobs until he was recruited to Torchwood One, based in London, as a junior researcher. It was there he met, and fell in love with his girlfriend, Lisa Hallett. Ianto continued to work there until its downfall two years later. Though Ianto survived the battle between the Daleks and Cybermen without serious physical harm, Lisa fared far worse. She had survived, but had been half converted into one of the Cybermen. Rather than let Lisa die, Ianto dedicated himself to trying to save her.
He moved back to Cardiff, and proceeded to try and get a job working for Torchwood Three. It was here he hoped he would find some way to save her, and make her fully human once more.
He tried everything from aiding Jack in capturing a weevil, to outright pleading with the captain. He brought him coffee, complimented his coat, and even went so far as to stand in the path of the SUV. By the time it got to this stage, Jack was more than little annoyed by Ianto’s refusal to back off. He issued him with a warning that if Ianto didn’t leave the city, and continued to bother him about giving him a job, he would wipe his memory.
Despite having just being threatened with getting run over, Ianto still wasn’t ready to give up. Ianto told Jack about a pterodactyl that had fallen through the Rift. Together they went to attempt to capture it. Though everything seemed to go wrong, they did eventually manage to sedate her.
Ianto seemed to have given up hope of ever being recruited by Jack, and was about to leave when he was called back. Jack told him to report to work the following morning, despite having previously claimed there were no vacancies.
Ianto kept to himself for the most part, not taking part in field missions, and declining any invitations to other team activities. He used his time alone in the Hub to take care of Lisa. He checked up on her, and kept her as comfortable as he could manage. He stayed late some nights, but then again, so did everyone else. The others, knowing very little about Ianto had no reason to think his behaviour suspicious. As long as Ianto did his job, why should it matter to them how he spent his time alone?
The answer to that came when Lisa’s Cyberman personality asserted itself. It was only then that the others began to realize Ianto’s life was full of secrets. Though Ianto held no secrets worse than Lisa, it dawned on the others they knew nothing of Ianto Jones. Though the distance between Ianto and the rest of the team grew after this initially, Ianto gradually started to become closer to them. He began to take part in field missions, and though he still kept to himself regularly he isolated himself from the others slightly less readily.
After Suzie’s second death, Ianto took the flirtatious banter he’d always shared with Jack a step further. From then on the two maintained a sexual relationship, though it didn’t become much more than this till later on. Whilst Ianto still wasn’t over Lisa’s death, this was a step in the right direction.
Ianto showed immense loyalty to Jack after Lisa’s death, even going so far as to shoot Owen, rather than let him do something he didn’t believe Jack would allow.
Despite this, his loyalty was still first and foremost towards Lisa. This was made all too clear when an apparition of her told him to open the Rift. This was enough to persuade him to stand with the rest of the team against Jack. After Owen told them what he was going to do, Ianto was the first to agree with him.
When Jack left with the Doctor, Ianto became far more active within the team. With only four operating members he was forced to play a bigger role. This continued even after Jack’s return, and he started to feel a lot more confident around the rest of the team because of this.
There were major changes to the team over the upcoming months. Tosh lost yet another lover to Torchwood. Owen died, only to be brought back by Jack. Gwen got married. Ianto’s own life stayed more or less the same, although he was a little closer to the others. Jack, especially. All in all, things weren’t really so bad.
Then Jack’s brother showed up, and things went to hell. In the end the only way to deal with him was have him frozen and stored in cryogenics. Although they still managed to save Cardiff, it was still left in partial ruin. Tosh died, and Owen died again. This time there was no way to bring them back, and Jack, Gwen, and Ianto were left to deal with the aftermath on their own.
Things were difficult with just three of them to handle everything, even more so than they had been before. They didn’t yet have the heart to replace either Tosh or Owen just yet though, so they managed as best they could.