SPOILERS for Children of Earth below. Don't read if you haven't watched and wish to remain unspoiled.
I've always had a nasty habit of getting too attached to fictional characters. Ianto definitely ranked very high among aforementioned characters. The events of Children of Earth devastated me. Starting with Ianto's death in Day Four, right up until the end of Day Five there was very little to be happy about. Even before then it was pretty bleak, but things just continued to go downhill from there with no let up whatsoever. And honestly, I loved Ianto. I really did. It's ridiculous how upset I am over his death. It's only days later I've been able to face writing this up, and I'm barely coping. I can't say the finale helped much either.
Torchwood's always been about escapism for me. I've talked about this a lot in the past few days, and those of you who have discussed Torchwood with me on AIM (usually in group chats) know I can sit there and discuss its faults like there's no tomorrow. But that's a part of why I loved Torchwood. It's always been a little dark, but for the most part it's a pretty daft show. It's very much detached from reality, and that along with the characters is why I love it. I've never been one to watch a show for stellar plot lines, anyway.
Although the most recent series was every bit as unrealistic as the rest, it brought home a lot of issues that I think hit far too close to home for a lot of people. Doing what's right and what's good are two completely different things, and I think this was shown in a way that's only ever been touched on before. I thought the whole thing was dealt with in a brutally realistic way. I've defended Jack's actions, and even the writers, although I'm not at all sure this was what people needed from Torchwood. I'm not happy with the way fandom has reacted, but in many ways I can understand. [ETA- Now I've actually dared look at fandom and I'm not just hearing it, no I can't.]
I did actually consider stopping playing Ianto. Temporarily, but still stopping. I've been playing him too long and with too many amazing people to seriously do that, though. I've decided against it, and it's a decision I think I'll be glad of. Putting off playing him isn;t going to help anything, after all.
So, what am I actually going to do?
Game-wise, it isn't going to make much difference yet.
realityshifted I've only just covered Exit Wounds. It's only if I have Ianto there at RS another year Children of Earth will have anything but an indirect effect on Ianto. Exactly how it will effect him will be pretty much dependent on
itsthecoat's reactions when Crow decides to canon-bump him.
I need to actually get Ianto involved at
route47 now I've got time available for me. I've also told Jamie I'd wait until she'd seen CoE before dealing with that there, so that probably won't happen until at least after the US airdate. I'll most likely have Ianto choose to stay in Cicero, rather than take him AU. Or at least for a while. The whole time-freezing thing would mean I could change my mind about that if I wanted to.
Finally, at
therealcaptjack and myself have already decided we're keeping Jack and Ianto where they are in canon. So unless one of us changes our minds, they're both permanently post-Journeys End.
Verses aren't something I've done much of before. I've always been very canon-orientated, with maybe the occasional deviance from canon with certain players. Now the only way I really can be canon is by back-tracking to certain episodes. I may do this on occasion. In fact, I can see myself doing more of it as Children of Earth becomes a bit less recent.
What I've been doing most of is almost meta, I suppose. I haven't done many threads since Day Four, but in those I have Ianto's always been very aware of his death even if he hasn't brought it up. Mostly that's because of the nature of the posts, and this will likely die down a bit once posts become less obviously after his death.
I've also had Ianto tag onto
quitehomoerotic and
Harker/Harkness!verse, in which Jack has Mina bring Ianto back as a vampire. That's unlikely to have much impact on anyone else besides occasional open SWS posts, though.
All of that's basically just a long-winded way of saying, I really haven't got much idea of what I'm doing at all.