1. Name:Sam
2. Age:18
3. Location:Canada
4. Sexual orientation: <3 boys.
5. 5 favorite bands:Blood Brothers, Explosions in the Sky, Death Cab for Cutie, The Smiths, Modest Mouse, Pedro the Lion, Xiu Xiu.
6. 5 disliked bands: Weezer, Bob Seger, Hatebreed, err... hey you, look! look over there!
7. Weirdest place you've ever made out: A giant spinning strawberry.
8. 3-5 words that best describe you: brilliant.over-consumerism.hypocritical.
9. 3 things you couldn't live without: My SLR camera becasue it is wonderful and amazing. Best friend. Extra shoelaces.
10. 3 things in your room:A giant cork board pin thing. Box of old candy. Books.
11. 3 things you hate: Hypocrites. Unjustified illiteracy. Homophobic people.
12. 3 famous people you think are hot: Jordan Blilie, Billy Joel(when he was younger) aaand Brody Dalle
13. 3 famous people you think are ugly: Will Smith, Benjamin Bratt and Kristen Dunstsgagf
14. The way you want to die: In the fetal position. With my eyes closed, and classical music playing in the sky.
15. Promote us at least once and show proof: I will. Soon.
16. Post at least 4 photo: (3 must show your face)
Yes.. I only have one at the moment. And it is terrible quality. (But you love pixels!) I am sure I shall post pictures once obtained if accepted. Good show. AH! NO! YOU BROKE THE RULEKJFDKfkjvm/.