It's time for round #03! :) Please make sure to read the
community rules before signing up. Also, only members can sign-up.
For this round you'll be choosing an episode instead of just signing up. You can choose any episode you wish, but no two people can have the same.
Please use this form for signing up:
Username:Claim:Theme suggestions: (optional)
alexia_drake 2x8 Rose--- 02.
florencia7 2x22 As I lay dying--- 03.
design_ok 2x7 Masquerade--- 04.
born_this_way01 2x18 The Last Dance--- 05.
galato 1x13 Children Of The Damned--- 06.
angelus2hot 2x6 Plan B--- 07.
bluedreamer80 1x19 Miss Mystic Falls--- 08.
null ------ 09.
null ------ 10.
null ------