(no subject)

Sep 24, 2004 22:51

1. Spell your first name backwards- Nad.
2. The story behind your username- Thia decided is was awesome, so hence, Dan is the man.
3. Where do you live?- Bay Area.
4. Words that sum you up- Caring, compassionate, thoughtful, respectful.
5. Wallet- Leather, brown, nice.
6. Jewelry worn daily- Watch.
7. Coffee cup- It’s either my coffee mug, the Untied Nations mug or the Gonzaga mug.
8. Shoes- Reeboks.
9. Cologne/perfume - Whatever works.
10. Cd in stereo right now- Buckethead.
11. Clothes that you're wearing now- Tshirt and jersey shorts.. my usual for nights.
12. Some of your favorite movies- Training Day, Usual Suspects, Boondock Saints.
13. Something you're looking forward to in the next couple of months- I can dream.
14. The last thing you ate- Pizza.
15. Something that you are afraid of- Heights.

____DO U?____
16. Believe in love?- Yes.
17. Believe in soulmates?- Yes.
18. Believe in love at first sight?- Yes.
19. Believe in forgiveness?- Yes.
20. Smoke?- Nope.
21. Do drugs?- I’ll pass thanks.
22. Sleep with stuffed animals?- Used to, no more room anymore.
23. Read the newspaper?- Every single day.
24. Believe in miracles?- Yes, but skeptically.
25. Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?- Yes.
26. Like the taste of alcohol?- Yes.
27. Believe in God?- Not exactly.
28. Have any secrets?- Quite a few.
29. Have any pets?- Cat Amber and fish.
30. Go or plan to go to college?- Definitely plan on it.
31. Have any piercings?- Nope.
32. Have any tattoos?- No.
33. Hate yourself?- At times, definitely.
34. Trust others easily?- Not at all.
35. Like sarcasm?- Who me? Like sarcasm? Nope. Not at all.
36. Like to take walks in the rain?- Hell yes! It’s one of my most favorite things to do.
37. Have any scars?- A few.

38. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would u pick?- Penguin.
39. What are 3 places you wouldn't mind going to?- Northeast, Bahamas, back to Tonga.
40. What's something you wish you could understand better?- Girls and relationships.
41. Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?- Yup.
42. Are you sarcastic- Read answer from earlier.
43. Last thing you read- “Desert Solitaire”- Edward Abbey.
44. Best book you've read- “Ender’s Game”- Orson Scott Card.
45. Last movie you saw on the big screen- Fahrenheit 9/11.
46. Your favorite moment- I have no idea.
47. Things that most people don’t know about you- Just how extremely shy I am even though I don’t act like it.
48. What do you think is the biggest turn on- Personality.
49. What do you think is the biggest turn off- Arrogance and ignorance.
50. Last phone number you called- Genny.
51. Last show you watched on tv- Jay Leno, last night.
52. Last song you heard - “How you remind me”- Nickelback.
53. Last thing you had to drink- Dr. Pepper at Film Club.

____When's the Last time you..____
54. Cried- A while back.
55. Bought something- Today, bought a cookie for lunch.
56. Gotten sick- Right now?
57. Sang- Drive home from near Chabot tonight.
58. Ate- Tonight, having pizza.
59. Felt stupid- Ummm can you say all the time?
60. Wanted to tell someone you liked them, but never did- Every single fucking time. Can’t get enough courage to do it.
61. Met someone new- Tonight, Film Club.
62. Moved on- Couple months ago, if you can call it that.
63. Talked to an ex- Don’t exactly have any…
64. Missed an ex- Read above.
65. Talked to someone you have a crush on- Today.
66. Had a serious talk- Two nights ago.
67. Missed someone- Right now.
68. Hugged someone- Tonight.
69. Fought with your parents- Yesterday, haven’t seen them today yet.
70. Dreamed about someone you can't be with- All the time.

71. Bf/Gf? I wish.
72. Hobbies- Too many to name.
73. Are you the center of attention or the wallflower?- Wallflower.
74. What type of automobile do you wish to drive?- 2005 Subaru Outback.
75. Would you rather be with friends or with a date?- Seeing my friends with my date, then going somewhere to be alone with my date.
76. Where is the best hangout?- Don’t know. Wherever I can hang out with people.
77. Do you have a job?- No. =/.
78. Do you attend church?- Sadly.
79. Do you like being around people?- Very much so.

80. Have you known the longest of all your friends?- Chris.
81. Do you argue the most with?- Mom.
82. Do you always get along with?- Matt and Alyssa.
83. Is the trustworthiest?- Alyssa.
84. Makes you laugh the most?- Matt.
85. Has been there through all the hard times?- Alyssa.
86. Have the coolest parents?- Oh hmm.. Kev.
87. Has the coolest siblings?- Matt and Hal.
88. Is the most blunt?- Genny.
89. Is the smartest?- Nghi or Kyle.
90. Who is your role model?- I don't really have one, I try to do my own thing.

91. Have you ever liked someone you never had a chance with?- Almost every single time.
92. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex?- Yes.
93. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after?- Eh, not really.
94. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s)?- No.
95. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you?- Yes, but I never do.
96. Rather dump someone or be dumped?- Both suck, but I guess it depends on the situation.
97. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup"?- Relationship.
98. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend?- Nope.
99. Do you want to get married?- Eventually.
100. Do you want kids?- Yeah, I want to be a dad.
101. Do you believe in physics?- Ummm I know quite a few people taking the class, so yes?
102. What is your favorite part about your physical appearance?- Eyes.
103. Are you happy with you?- Sometimes.
104. Are you happy with your life?- Most of the time now, I don’t.
105. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be?- My lack of relationships.
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