Since I so seldom get requests to participate in "The Big Gay Sketch Show", thought I'd forward the one-and-only I've received. In ccase anyone is interested. And the begging note from the artiste is behind a cut for those who aren't.
*** Begin forwarded e-mail ***
Subj: One Small Click for You...
could equal a giant leap for me! Help me make my next break. Right now I'm on Logo through All-Out Films "One Night Stand Up."
And now there's an opportunity to get an audition for the hysterical "Big Gay Sketch Show" also on Logo. You can help just by clicking this link: All you have to do is click and vote for me!
Then, all you have to do, is TOLERATE my enthusiasm as I break through by sending this to you EVERY DAY for the next 18 days.
Hope that's not too much to ask.
If it is, then this next request should really inspire you:
When you're at the Big Gay Sketch Show Casting site, why not sign up and leave a testimonial of how much you love my comedy and what a blast you've had at my shows.
Still hungry to do more? Great! Thank you! Please forward this to everyone in your address book too.
Just a thought.
THANK YOU! And if there's anything I can do for you once I'm finally famous and then hopefully rich, please don't hesitate to call one of my phalanx of secretary's paving the yellow brick road to my throne.
Peas, Love and Soul!
Mimi Gonzalez
She's cute. :) I clicked. Do as thou wilt and all that ... :D