I'm still recovering from everything. The personal is political, and this election the political was made personal. Now we all know that America hates gays and loves crappy presidents. Now I can sleep easy at night
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chin up beautiful. i know sometimes things get hard, and they will get harder still. but there will be one time that is the lowest, and you will in torture and anguish but when you come out of it you will know that nothing for the next few years will be as bad. take life in segments...high school didn't last forever, and neither will college. and some people say that these are the best years of your life, but i disagree. i for one, am happy to be on the other side of college, with the ability to look back and have the wisdom (however great or little) i have earned over these past years. And while her mentor may teach her to be cold and untrusting and aloof, take solace in yours (and you have so many...we love you and we are here to take care of you) and be the better person. yes there is the moment called now, but there are also moments after and they too will be glorious. take solace in the fact that you are young and that errors are the way of the world. just learn from them and you will be fine. and i will always drive you home, or
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