Selecting the Songs

May 07, 2010 08:07

I started with the assumption that all songs on their albums were part of the story. I also started with the assumption that "Falling Slowly" and "Mad World" were also part of the story, mostly because they sing those songs so often.

After a lot of trial and error, I finally decided that these 35 songs were grouped together as follows (I've listed the number of songs in each group first):

Act I
4 Soaked | Red Guitar | Down the Rabbit Hole | For Your Entertainment
4 Pick U Up | Alright With Me | Fever | Can't Stay Away
5 Mad World | Send Me Your Angels | The Truth | Broken Open | Falling Slowly
2 Music Again | Whataya Want from Me
4 Written All Over My Face | Can't Let You Go | Heartless | Is it Over?

Act II
4 Sleepwalker | From the Ashes | Voodoo | Bring it Back
6 If I Had You | Strut | Lifetime | I Need to Know | Aftermath | Let it Rain
3 A Loaded Smile | Before We Come Undone | Time for Miracles
3 Master Plan | Live Like We're Dying | Sure Fire Winners

With the songs grouped like this, you can already get a good idea of the narrative

Act I
4 Soaked | Red Guitar | Down the Rabbit Hole | For Your Entertainment
My Life Sucks. I think I'll try out for Idol

4 Pick U Up | Alright With Me | Fever | Can't Stay Away
Oh! I like you! I mean, I really really like you! I want your body!

5 Mad World | Send Me Your Angels | The Truth | Broken Open | Falling Slowly
Adam: This sucks! Kris: I think I might be gay! Adam: Oh Sweetie! It's gonna be ok

2 Music Again | Whataya Want from Me
Yay! Life is great! We're in Love! Oh wait, Kris is still married, though.

4 Written All Over My Face | Can't Let You Go | Heartless | Is it Over?
Adam: I think we need to end this. Kris: No!

Act II
4 Sleepwalker | From the Ashes | Voodoo | Bring it Back
Adam: I'm miserable without you. Kris: Can we try again?

6 If I Had You | Strut | Lifetime | I Need to Know | Aftermath | Let it Rain
Adam: I don't want to be with someone in the closet Kris: Oh......Ok, I'll do it

Something is missing here

3 A Loaded Smile | Before We Come Undone | Time for Miracles
Adam: This is really hard now that I don't see you 24/7. I'm not sure I can do this Kris: I'm not giving up! Adam: Ok, me neither.

3 Master Plan | Live Like We're Dying | Sure Fire Winners
Hey World! We're together, whether you like it or not!

I saw several problems with this list as it was:
1. There didn't seem to be enough "Yay! We're in Love!" songs in the first act.
2. There didn't seem to be enough transition between Kris agreeing to commit fully to Adam and Adam saying, "I'm not sure I can do this."
3. Adam had 19 songs, while Kris only had 16 songs. That seemed unfair.

I decided that there must be some other songs that were part of the story. But which songs? If this IS actually real, then I figured that there must be some rules in place so that we can pick out which other songs belong.

To be honest, my thought pattern was far more circular than what I am about to describe, but here are the basic steps. My thoughts are in italics.

Rule 1: A song has been performed since the albums dropped.

(To make things clearer, I'm not including "Mad World" or "Falling Slowly" here since I already included them anyway)

Whole Lotta Love--12/31, 2/27

Man in the Mirror--regularly
Come Together--regularly
Hit Me Baby One More Time--12/30/09
Ain't No Sunshine 12/30, 2/5, 2/6, 2/10
Chasing Pavements--1/07/10, 1/08/10
The Scientist--2/13, 4/30
Let it Be--2/15
Everybody Wants to Rule the World--4/13, 4/12
Hey Jude--4/15 with Lady A.
Boys of Summer--4/23 with Keith Urban

Well obviously "Crazy" counts. They ONLY sing that when they're with each other. But that's way too many songs for Kris

Rule 2: Songs with Other Groups/Artists don't count (except for Allison).

Rule 3: A song has to have been performed at least twice.

Adam: WLL
Kris: ANS, MITM, CT, Chasing Pavements, The Scientist, EWTRTW
(plus Crazy, of course)

That gives Adam a total of 20 songs and Kris a total of 22. It's still uneven

Rule 4: The performances of a song were several weeks apart

Adam: WLL
Kris: ANS, MITM, CT, The Scientist
(plus Crazy)

Yay! Now we're even! So let's try plugging these songs in. MITM seems like a song that should go near the end, given its subject matter. WLL sounds musically like it fits best with "Music Again." If WLL is in the same group as "Music Again" and WWFM, then Kris should have a song there as well. CT is the only happy song left on his list. I'm still not sure about "Crazy," ANS, or The Scientist

Act I
4 Soaked | Red Guitar | Down the Rabbit Hole | For Your Entertainment
4 Pick U Up | Alright With Me | Fever | Can't Stay Away
5 Mad World | Send Me Your Angels | The Truth | Broken Open | Falling Slowly
4 Whole Lotta Love | Music Again | Come Together | Whataya Want from Me
4 Written All Over My Face | Can't Let You Go | Heartless | Is it Over?

Act II
4 Sleepwalker | From the Ashes | Voodoo | Bring it Back
6 If I Had You | Strut | Lifetime | I Need to Know | Aftermath | Let it Rain
3 A Loaded Smile | Before We Come Undone | Time for Miracles
4 Master Plan | Live Like We're Dying | Sure Fire Winners | Man in the Mirror

Wow there's a lot of symmetry happening here. Almost every group has at least 4 songs. I think that means that another song goes in the second to last group. ANS and "The Scientist are both sad songs, which would work well before "A Loaded Smile." ANS sounds like a better introductory song, and it fits better stylistically with "A Loaded Smile."

I've also figured out by now that "Aftermath" and "Let it Rain" are actually a duet. So that means there's just one group in each act that has five songs.

But I see here that Act I has 5 groups and Act II has 4 groups. The symmetry would be better if Act II had a second group, and that would also create space for "Crazy" and "The Scientist"

Act I
4 Soaked | Red Guitar | Down the Rabbit Hole | For Your Entertainment
4 Pick U Up | Alright With Me | Fever | Can't Stay Away
5 Mad World | Send Me Your Angels | The Truth | Broken Open | Falling Slowly
4 Whole Lotta Love | Music Again | Come Together | Whataya Want from Me
4 Written All Over My Face | Can't Let You Go | Heartless | Is it Over?

Act II
4 Sleepwalker | From the Ashes | Voodoo | Bring it Back
5 If I Had You | Strut | Lifetime | I Need to Know | Aftermath/Let it Rain
2 Crazy | The Scientist
4 Ain't No Sunshine | A Loaded Smile | Before We Come Undone | Time for Miracles
4 Master Plan | Live Like We're Dying | Sure Fire Winners | Man in the Mirror

But now it seems like I'm missing two songs. By now, I've discovered that Adam has an unreleased track called "Suburban Decay," and Kris has two unreleased tracks called "Better Than That" and "Top of the World." From what I've learned, these three tracks would go well in that new group with "Crazy," but that would kick out "The Scientist." I think that's ok, though, because Kris only sang it for the first time in Feb., and he's only sung it twice ever, and one of those times was with Allison.

Act I
4 Soaked | Red Guitar | Down the Rabbit Hole | For Your Entertainment
4 Pick U Up | Alright With Me | Fever | Can't Stay Away
5 Mad World | Send Me Your Angels | The Truth | Broken Open | Falling Slowly
4 Whole Lotta Love | Music Again | Come Together | Whataya Want from Me
4 Written All Over My Face | Can't Let You Go | Heartless | Is it Over?

Act II
4 Sleepwalker | From the Ashes | Voodoo | Bring it Back
5 If I Had You | Strut | Lifetime | I Need to Know | Aftermath/Let it Rain
4 Crazy | Top of the World | Suburban Decay | Better than That
4 Ain't No Sunshine A Loaded Smile | Before We Come Undone | Time for Miracles
4 Master Plan | Live Like We're Dying | Sure Fire Winners | Man in the Mirror

And thus we have a complete opera. :-)

kradam rock opera

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