It was really great to see everyone last night, almost too many people to talk to - to wheel out a Xmas cliche, let's do it again soon.
As "promised" (quotes = like anyone cares)
Here's a list of all the records I've brought this month:
Mose Jones - s/t LP
Vigrass & Johnson - Queues LP
Leon Russell - Carny LP
Joel Grey - Black Sheep Boy LP
Smog - Red Apple Falls LP
Don Crawford - Could you understand my nakedness LP
Inge Larsen - All I want is you 7”
Prince Jazzbo - Plum Plum 7”
Sad Sweet Dreamer - Denis Walks 7”
Marathons - Peanut Butter 7”
Dr Horse - Jack, that cat was clean 7”
Andre Williams - Pearl 7”
Organisation - Tone Float LP
The World of Julie Felix LP
Santo & Johnny - All Night Dinner 7”
Green Fuz - Green Fuz 7”
Hasil Adkins - Out to Hunch LP
Fire - The Vampires 7”
Elyse - s/t LP
Autosalvage - S/t LP
Byrds - Notorious Byrd Brothers LP
Marsh Slaw Boogie/Chickie Run - Homer Denison Jr
Andre Williams - Rib Tips 7”
Risky Blues - V/A LP
Load of 7s I can’t be arsed to look up titles of - Fats Domino, James Brown, Theo Beckford,
Family, Redbone
Rodney P - The Future LP
Pussy Cat - Lloyd & the Lowbites 7”
Wicked & Dreadful - 7”
A Bruno Nicolai LP I can't remember the name of.
Sergious Von Golowin - Lord Krishna Golaka LP
Firstly, yes I am a lunatic. Secondly, loads of those records are from charity shops, so cost me a quid or less, so I'v e actually spent a lot less than other months. Thirdly, well, even I look at that and go "why?" - it's fun, I guess, and some of 'em are great and will be heading your way on tapes/CDs soon.
The sad thing is, I may well have forgotten some of them....
Hope to see you all in the not-too-distant anyway.