So, I actually replied to one of my father in law's conservative chain letters, and somewhat upset him. Hilarity ensues
Here is a creative approach to redistribution of wealth as offered in a local newspaper...
Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed.
Once in the restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" tie, again I laughed as he had given away his political preference--just imagine the coincidence.
When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.
I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.
At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient deserved money more.
I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.
OR IS IT.........REDISTRIBUTION OF SOMEONE ELSE'S WEALTH IS A GREAT IDEA..............or just a fools game !!
as opposed to the Mccain supporter, who takes the homeless guy's
change, doesn't pay for his pork barrel lunch, and throws a party with
his rich buddies with the money he saved?
Funny metaphor tho
I fail to see any correlation to the distribution of wealth
The homeless man's change? What change did this man get?
Based on Obama's plan and my economic status I would stand to benefit immensely. Not have to pay any income tax? Hah! Never happen...he's already admitted he will need to increase taxes. But, aside from that I don't want the gov't telling me I must buy my patriotism by paying more in taxes. Also, his own economic advisors have now backed down saying maybe they should lower taxes to stimulate economic growth. Sounds strangely "Reaganesque to me. Also it reminds me of a song, "First you say you will, then you wont. Then you say I do, then you say I don't. I don't want to live in a socialist country and have the govt telling me what I can and cant do...what kind, color car I may drive etc. If I did I'd move to Chekoslavakia or some other such country. Also, it's kind of ironic. The price of gas has come down drastically($2.13 in Jessup ) during the last week alone. President Bush was blamed for the high gas prices. Why isn't he getting any credit now. Just another t.though. What party has had complete control of both houses of congress the last 2 years. What the hell did the Damnocrats do for anybody but them selves e last 2 years? Fat cat bureucats like dems polosi, reed, frank, all have control of the banking and regulatory committes in congress.
If obama wins, Our country loses. No more system of checks and balances as our forefathers had intended...good bye US Constitution. It has been usurped by the dems(Socialist Workers Party of America).
ama winsNo more 2 party our country loses.
>I don't want to live in a socialist
> country and have the govt telling me what I can and cant do...what kind,
> color car I may drive etc. If I did I'd move to Chekoslavakia or some other
> such country.
I think that's the silliest thing I've ever read. Obama will make you
drive a certain color car? You won't have any choice? Back here in
reality, what does that have to do with anything? I can make up
random conspiracy theories too, but I left my tinfoil hat back in
And what does Bush have to do with gas prices? They go up because of
speculators, and they go back down because speculators can't sell gas
at the prices they wanted to. Seems independent of whatever Bush
wants to do (including drilling in ANWAR, which won't do anybody any
good for 10 years anyway). Both candidates now support offshore
drilling, but it's a strawman, it won't help barely at all.
Besides, the largest Socialists in America right now are probably the
group of people who just nationalized the banking industry. Which
does include Obama, but also Bush and McCain.
I'll vote for the person who wants to unite the country, not divide it
into partisanship by demonizing the enemy and trying to split the
country in half. The one with an actual campaign platform on its own
merits, and not just a platform running on attacks on the opponent.
The one who doesn't push that his party's america is the "real one".
I don't think McCain is a bad person or is trying to hurt the country,
I just think Obama will help more. I don't see why you have to have
hate and anger as your main reason for voting for somebody.
And I think it's hilarious how returning the country to Reagan levels
of tax brackets is suddenly Socialism. All taxing is "spreading the
I believe that unfettered capitalism is just as dangerous as
unfettered socialism. In one, the corporations have no checks and
balances on them and are free to destroy the economy for their own
gain, in the other, the government is. Too much unchecked power in
one place corrupts absolutely. If we need to go back to the checks on
corporations that we had in the 60s and 70s, that sounds fine to me.
How is it suddenly socialism, when it wasn't back then?
Why do you need buzzwords, slogans, and bizarre metaphors to prove
your point? Why not facts and reason?
I guess I just don't understand this whole hatred of the opposite
party thing. If it had been, say, Biden vs McCain, I might have voted
for McCain. I probably would have voted for him vs Gore if he had won
the primary back in 2000. But now, there's no way. My prime
motivators are the war in Iraq and the environment. McCain I agree
with a lot on the environment, especially about nuclear power, but I
believe the "we must win in Iraq" mentality is childish, so that
pushes me towards Obama. I also agree with Obama's plan on education
more. Both healthcare plans (which are both pretty socialist, both
spread the wealth to people for healthcare), seem decent, but I
believe Obama's focuses more on the corruption in the healthcare
industry, which we experienced first hand due to Sarah's health. I
don't think either candidate's pork barrel spending resoultions will
work, but that's also just a populist strawman argument to make
yourself sound good.
I've made an educated choice as to who I am going to vote for, so
sending me funny stories which have nothing to do with the election
won't really make me do much but chuckle at how silly they are. I've
read both candidates entire platforms, so I don't see what chain
letters can do to change my mind, whether they're conservative or
liberal chain letters.