hey man. dont let it get u down. it happens to everyone. hell, take it as kind of a complement! no1 wants to be the perfect friend all the time anyways so be acgonoledge the fact that ur not perfect. -tiff
ok, explain this to me. u dont even try to cheer her up. u just talk about how sum friggin word is gonna remind u of her ... and in depth, reminding her of what kevin said. so yeah. explain that. id really like to understand ur 'thinking patters of fun' ...
WEll newho im the one that said that in my LJ and it wasnt for u to get offended or me to be a jerk its just the way i feel. and if u dont like it thats the way u feel and i cant get mad at that because i believe in the same thing i guess. but yeah i get annoying at sometimes and u do to and jakob and nisa so its not only u i felt that way and i wrote about it so dont get all mad about it because i said one little thing Late
"i say what im feeling and how im feeling and if u dont liek well then dont read it its plain and simple"
What you said hurt me, I don't care what you think but things that you say hurt people. Even if your not trying to be a jerk, you are. I put that in my lj not to make people feel sorry for me but to say how im feeling...take your own advise babe, if you don't like it don't read it much less comment about it.
Comments 12
What you said hurt me, I don't care what you think but things that you say hurt people. Even if your not trying to be a jerk, you are. I put that in my lj not to make people feel sorry for me but to say how im feeling...take your own advise babe, if you don't like it don't read it much less comment about it.
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