Title: Boundaries Fandom: A-Team movieverse Genre: Humour/crack, smut Rating: M Warnings: Slash, language, mild sexytimes Summary: For a challenge on A-Team Prompts, as always. The A-Team plays Truth Or Dare.
Dirk Benedict kinda looks like the sort of person who'd call me a "dame", but get away with it somehow. Like I'd just go, "Oh you rascal! With your charmingly derogatory terms! Get out of here, you." And maybe I'd give him a biscuit or something as he left.
Also, it appears that I've cast myself as Mrs Potts from Beauty and the Beast in this
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Inspired by the "favourite quotes" question on the A-Team Friending Meme, I hath brought a humble collection of the quotes that I write down like a massive nerd while I watch the show. They are amusing to me so maybe they will also be amusing to you.
Title: Prove It Rating: R Genre: Humour, smut Fandom: A-Team movieverse Warnings: Language, slash, sex Summary: For a prompt on A-Team Prompts: Face wants to help Murdock get laid. Murdock shows him that he needs no help in that department, thankyouverymuch.
Title: Prove It Rating: R Genre: Humour, smut Fandom: A-Team movieverse Warnings: Language, slash, sex Summary: For a prompt on A-Team Prompts: Face wants to help Murdock get laid. Murdock shows him that he needs no help in that department, thankyouverymuch.
Title: Prove It Rating: R Genre: Humour, smut Fandom: A-Team movieverse Warnings: Language, slash, sex Summary: For a prompt on A-Team Prompts: Face wants to help Murdock get laid. Murdock shows him that he needs no help in that department, thankyouverymuch.
Title: Prove It Rating: R Genre: Humour, smut Fandom: A-Team movieverse Warnings: Language, slash, sex Summary: For a prompt on A-Team Prompts: Face wants to help Murdock get laid. Murdock shows him that he needs no help in that department, thankyouverymuch.
Title: Prove It Rating: R Genre: Humour, smut Fandom: A-Team movieverse Warnings: Language, slash, sex Summary: For a prompt on A-Team Prompts: Face wants to help Murdock get laid. Murdock shows him that he needs no help in that department, thankyouverymuch.