The Goblin Wars

Apr 15, 2009 14:00

So based off of Shawn's character background and some stuff I was working on before, I present you the illustrated history of the Goblin Wars, complete with maps! Man, I love fractal map generators.

(Map: The region before the Goblin Wars began)

The First Goblin War

In the early summer of 1046 CR, the hobgoblins arrived unexpectedly from the East, invading Lovair, the Rising Sun Kingdom. After a fierce but quick battle, their major cities were invaded and all nobility royalty were slaughtered. The hobgoblins turned to the church of Pelor, threatening them with more slaughter and destruction if they didn't do the whim of the goblins. The Radiant Order capitulated, becoming a puppet government while attempting to shield the people from the wrath of their new hobgoblin masters.

From there, the hobgoblin fleet struck out at Ordia, the Mystic Isle Kingdom in the fall. The elders quickly surrendered to the goblins, becoming yet another puppet state.

In the spring of 1047 CR, goblin fleets set out for Zengardia, the Steel Kingdom. The Zengardians, aware of the new goblin threat, prepared for a coastal assault. Instead, the Hobgoblins landed in Maeranoth, the Kingdom of Sails, surprising the relatively weak kingdom. They sacked several villages, but this was not their goal. They instead cut a swath straight into the heart of Zengardia, surprising the mighty nation. They assaulted the once-impenetrable capitol, Karosh, taking it in a short siege before the main Zengardian force arrived. They then killed the king and queen while the Zengardian army assaulted the city. The Great Khan of the hobgoblins held the infant prince for ransom in exchange for the surrender of the human armies. The generals at the siege laid down their arms and by the end of the year, the entire kingdom was subdued.

The next spring, goblin fleets set sail across the Sea of Altia, bound for Altianoth. They were met with resistance from the combined fleets of the human nations of Altianoth, Nerdannoth, the dwarven kingdom of Balgard, and the elven nation of Taeviavara. After finding themselves outmatched and outnumbered, the hobgoblin fleet fled quickly back to Zengardia. Soon after, the hobgoblin forces regrouped, marching into Taeviavara. However, they found themselves at a severe disadvantage marching through elven territory, unable to navigate through the dense forest that elven skirmishers could easily hide in. The goblins retreated back into Zengardia, and no more advances were made by them for a long time. In Maeranoth, the hobgoblins had mostly left the lands, and the Maeranothians were able to reclaim their territory, though the slaughter and destruction was impossible to repair.

The Second Goblin War

In mid-summer of 1051, the hobgoblin army went on the move, once again aimed at Taeviavara. This time, however they began burning the forests in advance of their marching army. The elves fought valiantly, but were slowly losing ground to the hobgoblins and their fires. They fought through the winter and by early spring, the hobgoblins reached the ancient capitol of Cor Benerel. They set fire to it as well, quickly advancing into it, slaughtering the inhabitants. Many of the Council of Speakers were slain, though the High Speaker himself fled to the north along with many other elven refugees.

For a time, the hobgoblin army stay put to regroup, but started another brief campaign in the fall of 1052 before again halting for the winter. In spring they started up again, advancing northward, but ran into resistance at the Isthmus, where the Order of the Silver Crescent, the Order of the Red Bow, their combined leadership, and help from Maeranothian forces ground the hobgoblin advance down to a halt. Though attempting to break through all summer, the goblins were forced to break off their campaign and call a ceasefire.

In the fall of 1054, the hobgoblins attempted once more for Altia, this time breaking through human and dwarven fleets to land in northern Altianoth. Their campaign wound down when human and dwarven armies kept them at bay, but a particularly harsh winter put both into retreat. As soon as the snow began to thaw, however, hobgoblin forces began marching southwards towards the city of Altia. Once again, forces from Altia and Balgard marched on the hobgoblin army, but the Balgard forces quickly turned around as news of civil war in their country reached them. The Altians were on their own with the dwarves preoccupied, the elves still recovering from their losses, and their old rivals the Nerdannothians refusing to join in on this war. However, the tactical genius of Duke Elmond Whitehall, and the unexpected arrival of the rogue dwarven general, Marim Ettinslayer, won the Battle of Ironvale for the Altians. Afterward, every goblin in the country was slaughtered or enslaved.

Not content with that victory, the Iron Duke ordered the Altian forces to cross the Sea of Altia in the summer of 1056. However, upon landing in Zengardia, they were met with a contingency of hobgoblins seeking peace. The Altians agreed and left. The hobgoblins were once again free to build up forces for another assault.

The Third Goblin War

In 1058, after allying with the ogres of the Zengardian mountains, the hobgoblins launched a two-pronged assault against both the elves of Taeviavara and the kingdom of Maeranoth. The goblins once again continue their strategy of burning and advancing into the forests of Taeviavara. The hobgoblins took the fortress of Minarcea in Maeranoth unexpectedly. Paragon-General Waycott attempted to retake the town but without the help of General Pajoss, who was distracted by a hobgoblin feint, he was forced to turn back. Paojoss later attempted to retake it, leading to the loss of much of Maeranoth's army.

In the spring of 1059, hobgoblin forces marched on the city of Perelas, but were met by the armies of Waycott, and ended after the hobgoblin warlord leading the attack was slain. Hobgoblin advances in the area come to a halt for a while, but in the late summer, the new hobgoblin warlord, Ocon, leads a bloody campaign into Maeranoth. This campaign carries on for the next two years.

Near midsummer of 1061, the Battle of Oakfield occurs in Taeviavara. Knights of the Silver Crescent, Knights of the Red Bow, and other elven forces are joined by Marim Ettinslayer, the Rogue General, now commanding many elven and human mercenaries in addition to the remainder of his dwarven soldiers. Here, victory over the hobgoblins is finally obtained, but their forces don't retreat, instead being driven back by force over the next several months. The Rogue General's forces divert into Maeranoth to help them with their struggle.

In 1062, after after years of bloody war in Maeranian territory, Ocon offers a ceasefire. By this time, Maeranoth has lost the vast majority of its army and is mostly sustained by the Shining Blades of Heironeous, who themselves have been greatly weakened. In Taeviavara, all their forces are greatly weakened and the Highspeaker continues to bow to demands from the hobgoblins in exchange for peace.

(Map: The region after the Goblin Wars)


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